Hi guys,
I've a list as per below of string names. I want to concantanate the value of each string in the list, into one combined string. So the result of below would be a string who's value would be "This is a sentence".
How would I code this ?
Begining = "This";
Middle = "is a";
End = "sentence"
StringList = {"Begining","Middle", "End"};
Here is a simple solution
Names Default To Here( 1 );
Begining = "This";
Middle = "is a";
End = "sentence";
StringList = {"Begining", "Middle", "End"};
Sentence = Eval( Parse( StringList[1] ) );
For( i = 2, i <= N Items( stringList ), i++,
Sentence = Sentence || " " || Eval( Parse( StringList[i] ) )
Show( sentence );
Select Help > Scripting Index and look up the character string function Concat Items().
better than my solution....thanks Mark
Better? That depends. There are many convenient JSL functions. If their requirements are suitable and their results meet the requirements, then they are better. The general solution that you posted is much more flexible when that counts.