I am building a simple interface for the user and have a window to set some options using check boxes.
I am currently able to make the first call function and the script filters the string "SE" from the columns and generates outliers. However, if I check 2nd and 3rd checkbox it does not call the function
I tried the following script:
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Water Treatment.jmp");
check_list = {"SS", "SE", "PH"};
todo_list = {};
nw = new window("Checkboxes", << modal(),
my_cb = checkbox(check_list),
button box("OK",
keep_going = 1;
todo_list = my_cb << get selected;
button box("Cancel", keep_going = 0)
nt = nitems(todo_list);
colList = dt << Get Column Names("String");
filteredCols = {};
if (keep_going & nt > 0,
for (i = 1, i <= nt, i++,
if (todo_list[i] == "SS",
// Call function for One step
For(i = 1, i <= N Items(colList), i++,
If(Contains(colList[i], "SS"), Insert Into(filteredCols, colList[i]))
obj = dt <<
Explore Outliers(
Y((Eval(filteredCols) )));
obj << Quantile Range Outliers;
obj << Select Rows(All);
todo_list[i] == "SE",
// Call function for Two step
For(i = 1, i <= N Items(colList), i++,
If(Contains(colList[i], "SE"), Insert Into(filteredCols, colList[i]))
obj = dt <<
Explore Outliers(
Y((Eval(filteredCols) )));
obj << Quantile Range Outliers;
obj << Select Rows(All);
todo_list[i] == "PH",
// Call function for Three step
For(i = 1, i <= N Items(colList), i++,
If(Contains(colList[i], "PH"), Insert Into(filteredCols, colList[i]))
obj = dt <<
Explore Outliers(
Y((Eval(filteredCols) )));
obj << Quantile Range Outliers;
obj << Select Rows(All);
Looking for some feedback