Just noticed that my Analyse Columns doesn't work with JMP17, or even worse it returns incorrect data. Issue is that JMP17 has changed how Move Selected Columns works with a list.
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp");
list = {"sex", "name"};
dt << Move Selected Columns(list, To Last);
show(JMP Version());
With this simple example you can see that JMP17 ignores the order of items in the list (or rather sorts alphabetically?)


I can figure out many ways to handle this, but I'm not really sure if I should have to
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp");
list = {"sex", "name", "age", "weight", "height"};
If(Num(Word(1, JMP Version(), ".")) < 17,
dt << Move Selected Columns(list, To Last);
, // else
first_col = Remove From(list, 1);
dt << Move Selected Columns(first_col, To First);
For Each({col}, list,
dt << Move Selected Columns({Expr(col)}, To Last);