Quoting George Box: "All models are wrong. Some are useful." Pick the one that you find useful, but don't think that it is "the truth". Another quote from Box: "Never fall in love with a model."
So, the hard-core traditionalist approach:
The design that is built depends on the model to be estimated. Changing the model means you may not have the best design any longer. You have a random block. You created the design as a random block. Your analysis should have a random block.
The non-traditional approach:
You could certainly use your stepwise approach, but realize that by treating the random effect as fixed, you are changing your error term. Therefore, the model that stepwise comes up with is not using the same error term as your first analysis. If you could use the proper error term, you may end up with different selected model terms. The design was not built for this analysis, so why would you have tried it??
Finally, to help you answer your question of which model is best:
You ultimately have two competing models. How do their predicted values compare? Are there regions of the design space that give you drastically different predictions? As with all models from a DOE, you need to verify it. Pick a couple of conditions to test. Try to include locations where the models differ quite a bit. Run those tests. Which model does better? Ultimately, YOU decide which model is best. I would base that decision on real-world performance.
Dan Obermiller