I think there are 3 steps need to do to get your want.
1. Summarize your data table to map. Index is 'sensor' and Values are 'max(Inlet), max(Reture)'.
//You can use below JSL to summarzie a new data table
Data Table( "Data" ) << Summary(
Group( :Sensor ),
Max( :Occurrence ),
Subgroup( :Name( "Sub-Sensor" ) ),
Freq( "None" ),
Weight( "None" ),
statistics column name format( "column" )
2. Input your conditions by if or match. Here I used If and create a new column in summary data table.
:Name( "Occurrence, Inlet" ) >= 2 & :Name( "Occurrence, Return" ) >= 2, "Both",
:Name( "Occurrence, Inlet" ) >= 2 & :Name( "Occurrence, Return" ) < 2, "Inlet",
:Name( "Occurrence, Inlet" ) < 2 & :Name( "Occurrence, Return" ) >= 2, "Return",
3. Join two data table together by 'Sensor' and make sure column' result ' include. Then use condition if to make it real.
// Join summary data table to original data table
Data Table( "Data" ) << Join(
With( Data Table( "Data By (Sensor)" ) ),
:Name( "Sub-Sensor" ),
:Required Column,
:Name( "Required Column -Cause" )
SelectWith( :Result ),
By Matching Columns( :Sensor = :Sensor ),
Drop multiples( 0, 0 ),
Include Nonmatches( 0, 0 ),
Preserve main table order( 1 )
// add formula in column 'Required Column -Cause' as below
:Name( "Sub-Sensor" ) == "Inlet" & :Result == "Inlet", "Inlet",
:Name( "Sub-Sensor" ) == "Return" & :Result == "Return", "Return",
:Name( "Sub-Sensor" ) == "Inlet" | :Name( "Sub-Sensor" ) == "Return" & :Result == "Both", "Both",