Hi mzwald,
Thanks very much for your help and your suggestion, i tried this code
platform = dt2 << Oneway(
Y( :l10t ),
X( :fold dilution ),
Means and Std Dev( 1 ),
Box Plots( 1 ),
Mean Diamonds( 1 ),
Mean Error Bars( 1 ),
Std Dev Lines( 1 ),
Connect Means( 1 ),
Points Jittered( 1 ),
Grand Mean( 0 )
Wait( 0 );
Report( platform )[Outline Box( "Oneway Analysis of height By sex" )][
Outline Box( "Means and Std Deviations" )][Table Box( 1 )] << Make Into Data Table;
Report( platform ) << Close Window;
and received the following error message
Cannot subscript Display Box in access or evaluation of 'Report(platform)[Outline Box("Oneway Analysis of height By sex")]' , Report( platform )[/*###*/Outline Box( "Oneway Analysis of height By sex" )]
however, l am almost there as to what i want to achieve for my data table with this,
dt2<< Summary(
Group( :Sample ),
Mean( :dilution factor, :l10t ),
Freq( "None" ),
Weight( "None" ),
Output Table( "log10t" ),
Std Err( :l10t ),
Confidence Interval( :Name ("Mean(l10t)")),
Link to original data table(0)
Loq = Data Table( "log10t" );
Loq << New Column( "Back T'sform Mean", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( Round(10^:Name ("Mean(l10t)"),0)));
Loq << New Column( "Back T'sform Std error", Numeric, Continuous, Formula(10^:Name ("Std Err(l10t)"), Format( "fixed dec", 6, 0 ) ) );
giving me this,
so l am almost there, l was hoping the confidence intervals would be a single simple line of code.