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Using JSL to Customize and Assess Reliability Acceptance Tests (2019-US-EPO-259)

Level: Intermediate


Kevin Singer, Statistician, U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command


When the U.S. Army procures armament systems, how to accept materiel based on reliability of production lots often becomes a point of contention. JMP enables defensible, risk-based decision making in this process through taking advantage of a combination of JSL scripts with existing analysis platforms, table variables and data table tools that is also user friendly for customers who are not statistically inclined. The product consists of a data table where a customer can input a desired test time, sample size, failure accept/reject limit and whether or not this test will be with or without replacement. Next, a script was developed that will generate an interactive operating characteristic (OC) curve based on the aforementioned inputs. This script also allows the customer to alter the input paramters and compare OC curves in order to develop an acceptance plan that best satisfies their risk strategy.