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New Space Filling Design Features in JMP® 12

Ryan Lekivetz, JMP Research Statistician Developer, SAS

Bradley Jones, JMP Principal Research Fellow, SAS

In JMP 11, we introduced Fast Flexible Filling designs that allow for space filling designs in constrained design regions. Three big enhancements to these designs in JMP 12 are: 1) categorical factors can now be included in a design, 2) a new criterion allows for design points to better explore the boundaries of the region while having good projection properties, and 3) the ability to augment space filling designs. This presentation will revisit Fast Flexible Filling Designs and highlight the new features in JMP 12.

Discovery Summit Europe 2015 Resources

Discovery Summit Europe 2015 is over, but it's not too late to participate in the conversation!

Below, you'll find papers, posters and selected video clips from Discovery Summit Europe 2015.