Level: Beginner
Andrew Karl, Statistician, Adsurgo
Heath Rushing, Principal Consultant and Co-Founder, Adsurgo
Recently, a medical device customer wanted a script to evaluate different, standard acceptance sampling plans using operating characteristic (OC) curves. They also wanted to find the limit from an average outgoing quality (AOQ) curve for rectifying inspections. Although they were experienced JMP users, they did not know about the availability of single- and double-sample OC curves found only in the JMP Starter menu. Furthermore, they had not utilized Graph Builder for evaluating common deviations (nothing goes as planned) from these sampling plans or for developing AOQ curves. Although scripting can be quite effective and efficient, writing scripts from scratch can be overwhelming for new JMP users. However, the existing capabilities of JMP can be exploited and easily adapted for routine and/or recurring analysis of common quality questions. This talk with demonstrate the adaptation of the existing capabilities of JMP to explore and evaluate deviations from standard quality approaches such as acceptance sampling, process control and capability, and design of experiments.