Detecting Small Shifts in Your Process ( US 2018 134 )
Sep 19, 2018 12:10 AM
| Last Modified: Oct 25, 2018 8:30 AM
Level: Intermediate Annie Dudley Zangi, JMP Senior Research Statistician Developer, SAS Tonya Mauldin, JMP Senior Analytics Software Tester, SAS
Cumulative sum, or CUSUM control charts, are well established as being more efficient in detecting small shifts than Shewhart charts. However, the V-mask in CUSUM charts can be more challenging to interpret than in traditional control charts. In this talk, we will present examples that illustrate how the new CUSUM charts can detect small shifts in the mean that are undetectable in Shewhart charts. We will also preview the new CUSUM Control Chart platform options and compare chart efficiencies with average run lengths.
Hi Annie and Tonya - do you by chance have a JMP journal of your talk? I want to show some colleagues how cool this new platform is - or if you have step by step instructions how to use? Thank you for your presentation! Patti