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Building Dashboards and Applications With JMP® (US 2018 408)


Level: Intermediate
Dan Schikore, JMP Principal Software Developer, SAS

Saving an analysis so that it can be repeated on the same or different data tables is an important step in creating an analysis workflow that is efficient and repeatable. The JMP Scripting Language (JSL) can be used along with the drag-and-drop tools available in the JMP Dashboard Builder and Application Builder to quickly build and deploy dashboard and applications. This talk will cover everything from simple dashboards created with Combine Windows through full applications with multiple windows and JSL scripts. Learn more about designing reports with data filters, parameterizing applications for run-time selection of columns to analyze and options for sharing of results, including interactive HTML. The new custom template interface will be demonstrated, which makes it easier and faster to create multiple dashboards or applications with a common look and feel.



  • Highly graphical
  • Linked Graphs and Analyses
  • Single Window
  • Communicate important results


  • Custom scripts
  • May involve multiple windows


Presentation materials


The interactive presentation is attached in the file  This presentation uses some full paths and expects to be found in C:\DashboardsAndApplications.  If you unzip the file to a different location, it will prompt for the path to the files, but some content may not work.


When the files are unzipped, open the file DashboardsAndApplications.jmpapp using JMP 14 to start the presentation.  In addition, there are a number of other .jmpappsource and .jmpapp files with the dashboards and applications that are created as part of the full presentation.


Is this talk available as a video?
