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Exploring How Changes in Latitudes Can Affect Your Commute Attitudes

Andrew Karl, PhD, Statistician, Adsurgo

Heath Rushing, Principal Consultant and Co-Founder, Adsurgo


This presentation was voted Best Contributed Paper.


Moving to a new city? Both of us did. Use JMP to analyze your commute times? We did. Which parts of a city provide a reasonable commute time to your job? Your spouse’s job? Your child’s school? Or to all three, on average? Which parts of a city are most isolated from your multi-location business branches (e.g., banks, stores)? Which neighborhoods suffer the largest commute variability throughout the day? JMP can show us. A space-filling design is used to sample points (starting locations) within the latitude and longitude boundaries of the area of consideration (e.g., city). A JSL script then communicates each of the starting points, along with one or more destinations and a departure time, to the Google Maps API to retrieve (and then scrape) rush-hour and normal drive times and distances. Times from our specific commuting locations are plotted using Graph Builder with background street maps. The heat map replaces the points with contours of commute times for both one destination (e.g., the airport) and a sum of driving times for multiple locations (e.g., home-to-work and home-to-school). The column switcher allows us to visualize a smooth progression of commute times across a region throughout the day and week.