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An Interactive JMP® Environment for Control Group Selection and Visualizing Impact From Promotional Uplift Experiments

Brian Eastwood (beastwood), Market Analyst, Nu Skin Enterprises
John Salmon (jlsalmon), PhD, Assistant Professor, Brigham Young University

Nu Skin is a global company developing and selling personal care products and dietary supplements. Encouraging and implementing analytics in decision making have become a strategic goal for improving service and growth in regions throughout the world. To support this focus on evidence-based decision making, analytical tools have been identified as potential methods to empower various regional groups to quickly begin performing promotional analyses on their own. One of the initial approaches to reach this goal is the development of a tool to facilitate control group selection and analyze promotional uplift. Nu Skin has partnered with Brigham Young University to develop an interactive JMP environment to meet these requirements. This JMP environment supports the selection of a control group of promotional nonparticipants who have similar past behavior of a second group of promotion participants. The two groups are compared during the promotional period and evaluations of expected lift are performed. The JMP environment enables the user to walk through the process, allowing them to manage control group sizes, identify possible outliers and make many other decisions along the way. Since the expected end users have limited experience in data analytics, the process leverages the user friendliness and visualization capabilities of JMP to allow the user to better explore the results and understand the impact of his or her decisions.

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