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Development and Exploration of Cultural Archetypes Using JMP®

 Development and Exploration of Cultural Archetypes Using JMP®


Thor D. Osborn, PhD, Principal Systems Engineer, Sandia National Laboratories

National behavioral patterns and trends are often explained in reference to poorly defined cultural differences. These attributions lack broad contextual foundations and are thus inherently compromised. Yet culturally based assessments, whether explicit or implicit, are often used in decision making at all levels, from individual actions to international relations. This paper outlines a straightforward semi-quantitative method developed in JMP for characterizing these important differences using freely available data. This method exploits the cross-platform flexibility of JMP, integrating the Cluster, principal components analysis, Discriminant, PLS and Screening platforms with the Contingency personality of the Fit Y by X platform. The method is generally applicable to circumstances where cultural issues may affect important decisions, but is demonstrated here in the realm of international economic development.