The predictive modeling unsession was great and well attended.  We have had several requests for us to share the content presented in the break out rooms.  Here is where that material will be posted.


Breakout Room #4: Structural Equation Models and Time Series Forecast 

(Jian Cao and  Laura Castro-Schilo)

Two JMP Journals and five data tables are attached. 


‎05-21-2024 05:31 PM に公開 Community Manager Community Manager | ‎05-22-2024 06:51 AM に更新済み

The predictive modeling unsession was great and well attended.  We have had several requests for us to share the content presented in the break out rooms.  Here is where that material will be posted.


Breakout Room #4: Structural Equation Models and Time Series Forecast 

(Jian Cao and  Laura Castro-Schilo)

Two JMP Journals and five data tables are attached. 



月, 10 12, 2020 12:00 午前 EDT
金, 10 16, 2020 12:00 午前 EDT
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