The answer to your question depends on how irregular your x values are, and what, precisely, you mean by 'interpolate'.
So the script below is definitely not a recommendation, just an example of the kind of thing that's possible. If you don't need a script, you should be able to follow similar steps manually.
Probably, though, the important question is what will you use the final values for?
// (0) Make some evenly spaced data using a particular function
h = Function( {x}, {Default Local}, 0.5 + 0.4 * Sin( 2 * Pi() * x ) );
N = 100; // Number of (equally-spaced) x values in [0,1]
xVals = Index( 0, 1, 1 / (N - 1) )`; // x values as a column vector
yVals = h( xVals ) + J( N, 1, Random Normal( 0, 0.1 ) ); // y values as a column vector
// (1) Randomly decimate three quarters the data to simulate uneven x values (but still on the original grid)
del = RandomIndex(N, Round(3*N/4, 0));
xVals[del] = [];
yVals[del] = [];
dt = NewTable("Uneven x",
NewColumn("x", Numeric, Continuous, Values(xVals)),
NewColumn("y", Numeric, Continuous, Values(yVals))
// (2) Fit a kernel smoother and save the prediction formula
biv = dt << Bivariate( Y( :y ), X( :x ) );
biv << Kernel Smoother( 1, 1, 0.48261, 0, {Save Prediction Formula});
// (3) Get the prerdiction formula
pForm = Column(dt, "Loess Predictor for y") << getProperty("Formula");
// (4) Build a new table to hold equally-spaced x values
CMD = Expr(
dt2 = NewTable("Even x",
NewColumn("x", Numeric, Continuous),
NewColumn("Predicted y", Numeric, Continuous, Formula(TBD))
SubstituteInto(CMD, Expr(TBD), EvalExpr(pForm));
// (5) Get the simulated measured data into two vectors
xVals = Column(dt, "x") << GetAsMatrix;
yVals = Column(dt, "y") << GetAsMatrix;
// (6) Find the smallest x increment in the data
xDel = Min(xVals[2::NRow(xVals)] - xVals[1::(NRow(xVals)-1)]);
// (7) Fill the table with the interpolated data using an equal spacing of, say 3*xDel
xVals2 = Index( 0, 1, 3*xDel )`;
Column(dt2, "x") << SetValues(xVals2);
// (8) Look at the result
dt2 << Graph Builder(
Size( 534, 454 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Variables( X( :x ), Y( :Predicted y ) ),
Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 5 ) ) )