The Expand Vector Column add-in will convert an expression column containing a vector into a set of columns containing the elements of the vector.
The data table can be used for demonstration.
Add-in courtesy john.sall
very helpful
cool trick:
+0 to use the index to access the values inside the vector - instead of the respective row.
why sum()?
suggestions for improvements in a future version of the addIn:
- at the moment, the code works well if the vectors in all cells have the same length - and none of them is empty().
-> by encapsulating the formula with Try() one could make it even work without complaints for cells with variable vector length.
- maybe: first find the longest vector and then use this length to determine the number of columns to add.
The source code for the add-in is open. Feel free to enhance it and post your own version back to the File Exchange.
I'm sure the Community would appreciate your additions.
// expandVector.jsl
// With this script,the user selects column containing vectors of arbitrary length,and the
// script creates a set of columns with the elements of the vector.
// Test Table:
// New Table( "TestVec",Add Rows(5),New Column("A",Expression,Vector,Set Values({[1,2,3,4,5],[5,4,3,2,1],Empty(),[2,1]})));
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Current Data Table(); If( Is Empty( dt ), throw() );
names = dt << Get Selected Columns;
if(not(nitems(names)),Caption("no column selected"); throw());
Caption("expanding "|| Char(nitems(names))||" vector column(s) ...");
for each ({col}, names,
if ((col<<GetDataType)!="Expression",continue());
colName = col << get name();
nDim = col maximum(Try(Nitems(col),.));
Eval(EvalExpr(NewColumn(Expr(colName||"["||Char(i)||"]"),Numeric,Formula(Try(Sum(Subscript(Expr(Name Expr(col))+0,Expr(i))))))));
dt << run formulas();