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JMP Accelerate Recordings

JMP Accelerate Recorded Sessions

**Please follow along with the instructor by using the course notes provided on the Course Resources Page when you registered for the event. 


Introduction to Custom Design of Experiments

This video introduces custom design of experiments and demonstrates creating a design in JMP, and analyzing a finished experiment. You can follow along with the video by downloading the data files from the course resources page.



Lesson Two: Missing Values

This video demonstrates the Explore Missing Values platform under the Analyze > Screening menu. Finding the missing values in your data is easy with these tools in this platform. You can follow along with the video by downloading the data files from the course resources page.



Lesson Two: Explore Outliers

This video shows the Explore Outliers platform under the Analyze > Screening menu. It includes univariate and multivariate outlier discussions and shows options for treating the outliers.  You can follow along with the video by downloading the data files from the course resources page.