Thanks, for the reply, and you made a point, I guess I had somewhat overlooked.
When I run Get Environment Variable("R_HOME");, I get the same as you : "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/Current/Resources"
I guess the point, the question, I was trying to get to was, given that we both get have the same R_HOME in JMP, why am I getting different version when I run the same code under differing R scenarios? I know where the differences come from - the R_HOME under RStudio comes from the Macports distributions I use (and update). I'm guessing the other version comes from an old CRAN distribution I got "way back when ...". What I would like, what I thought I was getting, was to set something behind the scenes - hence the Rprofile.site, which is one of the files looked for at R initialization (CRAN, Initialization at start of R Session).
I guess the broader question, I'm asking is how do the Mac versions of JMP inherit their environments. Under Windows, they look into the registry, I guess in addition to whatever variables get set up in config files. The mac analogue, I guess would be looking at plist, and / or something like .profile or .bash-profile, etc. So what are the plists, or profile? And the followup question is, of course, how are these passed to, if they are passed to, say R, or are they?
Richard Wright (i'm sure there's a way to set this, just don't know what it is ...)