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Essential Scripting for Efficiency and Reproducibility: Do Less to Do More ( 2019-EU-TUT-146 )

Level: Intermediate
Job Function: Analyst / Scientist / Engineer
Drew Foglia, JMP Life Sciences Principal Software Developer, SAS
Evan McCorkle, JMP Software Developer

From reproducing simple tasks to automating daily processes to sharing scripts with colleagues to deploying full applications across your organization, challenges exist at every level that can limit the efficiency and reliability of your JSL scripts. In this tutorial, we will travel along the arc from small scripts to large applications presenting best-practice techniques for mitigating many of the common, yet subtle, pitfalls that often hinder JSL novices and veterans alike. We will discuss strategies for combining multiple steps into a cohesive script, and conversely splitting overly large scripts into more manageable files. We will also present tips for handling errors, wrangling windows, isolating variables from unexpected changes, protecting the integrity of your scripts without compromising usefulness and more.