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Conducting Survey Data Analysis Using the JMP® Fit Model Platform’s Mixed Model Personality (Fit Mixed)

Mary York, PhD, Senior Statistical Analyst, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

In order to improve employee satisfaction, we need to know which factors influence it. We examined the relationship between employee satisfaction and the following factors: relationship with managers, relationship with co-workers, organizational culture and job fit. This was accomplished using the JMP Fit Model platform’s Mixed Model (Fit Mixed) personality, which fits multilevel models. The Fit Mixed personality was added to JMP Pro 11 and is also available in JMP Pro 12. Multilevel models can be viewed having a regression model for each level to model nesting of data. Organizations are hierarchical, so organizational survey analysis should take into account this structure. Ignoring the nesting of data may result in an ill-fitting model which can lead to misinterpretation of the results. This presentation will interactively walk through the analysis of an organizational survey using the JMP Pro Fit Mixed personality.      


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