Data visualization with JMP is like navigating through a maze – both involve finding clarity through complexity. But with JMP, you’re not just solving a puzzle, you’re unlocking a whole new level of insights with data visualization and interactive features. Isn’t it cool how data can guide us through even the most tangled paths?

In this talk, I present helper functions that make working with JMP even easier. Toolbars allow users to access standard JMP and JSL functions with a single click; even complex custom functions can be added. The result? A toolbox for exploratory data analysis that enables users to create illustrative and convincing analyses in seconds.

QuickSelect Toolbar  ,Graph Builder Toolbar , Normalization GUI 



Thursday, 13 Mar

Room: Ballroom Gallery- Ped 6

Skill level

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced


Published on ‎12-15-2024 08:23 AM by Community Manager Community Manager | Updated on ‎02-10-2025 03:05 PM

Data visualization with JMP is like navigating through a maze – both involve finding clarity through complexity. But with JMP, you’re not just solving a puzzle, you’re unlocking a whole new level of insights with data visualization and interactive features. Isn’t it cool how data can guide us through even the most tangled paths?

In this talk, I present helper functions that make working with JMP even easier. Toolbars allow users to access standard JMP and JSL functions with a single click; even complex custom functions can be added. The result? A toolbox for exploratory data analysis that enables users to create illustrative and convincing analyses in seconds.

QuickSelect Toolbar  ,Graph Builder Toolbar , Normalization GUI 

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Thu, Mar 13, 2025 06:50 AM EDT
Thu, Mar 13, 2025 07:30 AM EDT
Ballroom Gallery- Ped 6
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