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Excel and Automation

See how JMP automatically captures actions as JMP scripts (JSL) and how you can easily edit these interactively to automate analyses.




Example: Workflow Automation (Also avaiable as separate video.)

  • After we use the Excel Import Wizard to import data, we can use the associated script that JMP provides for the sequence of steps we followed during and after import.
  • In JMP 16 and later, use the Enhanced Log (Action Recorder) to capture all import steps, data preparation steps, and final reports.  In this case those are Import, Stack, create a Graph created using Graph Builder.
    • Save Script to Script Window from the Enhanced Log and Hit the Run/Play icon on the Menu Bar.
  • In versions earlier than JMP 16, you can combine the Import, Stack, Graph Builder, and scripts manually.

 There is another video with several examples of importing Excel data - Importing, Consolidating and Maximizing the Value of Excel Data 




This is part of the Get Going with JMP series.

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