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Building a Reusable Data Prep and Analysis Sequence Using Workflow Builder - Part 1

Published on ‎11-07-2024 03:31 PM by Community Manager Community Manager | Updated on ‎11-07-2024 05:41 PM

Introduced with JMP 17, Workflow Builder  can take long and complex data processing activities and turn them into single-click no-code/low-code macros.  It is useful for automating and sharing a sequence of complex, repeatable steps, re-running a sequence of steps with new data and archiving or documenting an analysis sequence.


Workflow Builder supports data import and can trigger prompts to make the import and the workflow steps customizable.  It automatically captures many of your JMP actions, including many steps intitiated from the  Tables, Rows, & Cols menus,  'Report snapshots'. Other steps, such as many in Graph Builder, don't create automatic Report Snapshots..  Instead, you can either close the report to trigger a Report snapshot or select Save Script > To Workflow from the LRT menu.


You can also re-order the steps if you understand some basic JSL. You can also re-record a specific step.  Workflows can be saved and shared as Workflow files, JSL scripts, or Workflow Archives.



Questions anwered by Scott @scwise  and @MikeD_Anderson  at the live webinar:


Q: Do you have to type all of the information into the JMP program, or could you import the information over from Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access?

A: You can easily bring in Excel and Access data into JMP (via file or database import features). 


Q: How to I start?

A: To start the Workflow Builder in JMP 17, select File > New > Workflow (Windows) or File > New > New Workflow (macOS). Click red circle to start recording your actions.


Q: What if I don’t have JMP 17?

A: Workflow Builder is only available in JMP 17.  IN JMP 16 or older you could get part of the way there with the Action Recorder feature that Mike mentioned or by copying separate saved step scripts.  But, it’s not really a good end-to-end workflow builder like what we are showing in JMP 17, which is available to licensed users at no extra cost.


Q: How do you get Mike's view of JMP with tabs instead of windows?

A: Mike is using the JMP Project (File -> New Project) which allows you to view tabs instead of windows as you open data tables and build analysis/graphs.


Q: In general, I'm curious how to rename what is being shown in the Workflow Steps window so they are meaningful.

A: The steps are titles using  the default name for the action/platform.  You can title these steps however you want, and I often do this to make it simpler to those new to JMP. That is a great way to show following an “auditable” process.


Q: If I have some JSL that I've written that I want to include in a workflow, how do I do that?

A: You can create a custom step in the workflow and put in your own scripts at these points. 


Q: When you share the Workflow, does the user you send it to have to also have JMP?

A: Yes, the receiver of the script will need to have JMP on their system to rerun the package.


Q: If you use SAVE TO SCRIPT, can that then be run in Base SAS / SAS VIYA or is a conversion needed?

A: You can access SAS data from JMP, but JMP JSL is not SAS compatible; that is, SAS does not run JMP.


Q: Once you've created a workflow, how easy is it to apply the workflow to a new data file (which may have different column headers) that you want to use for similar analyses?

A: The workflow will look for the file you have originally referenced….so you will need to make that modification in the workflow unless you query prompted the user originally to pick a file.


Q: How do I tur on Laser Pointer

A: File>Preferences>Reports, then you will see a Laser Pointer box.


Q: If I made a workflow using JMP 17 can someone with JMP 15 run it?

A: If you use Save Script to window, the JSL may run on JMP 15.  If you are using features same in 15 as 17, that will work.  Try it.




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