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Cary, NC October 21-24
Call for Content

Call for content is open!

Submit a paper or poster abstract that demonstrates how you’ve used JMP® to solve real problems. If your abstract is selected, you will be invited to present at Discovery Summit Americas 2024, which will take place on October 21- 24 in Cary, NC.

Entries are due by April 23.

What should presenters expect?

  • To share the Discovery Summit Americas 2024 agenda with progressive analytic minds, including our keynote speakers, who are thought leaders in statistics, technology, and innovation.
  • To shape the conference conversation about how to apply analytics in forward-looking companies around the globe.
  • To gather feedback from other attendees so you can refine your own analyses.

Who should submit?

Researchers and practitioners from all fields – students, too! Whether your concept is for analytics beginners or more advanced practitioners, we welcome your entry.

Who chooses the papers and posters?

The Discovery Summit Americas 2024 Steering Committee. If you are selected to present, you will receive notification in mid-May. Presenters will receive a special invitation to register, so please refrain from registering for the conference via the website until you have heard from us.

What is the Steering Committee looking for?

Paper presentations that:

  • Show how to use JMP interactively.
  • Spark conversations and foster dialogues about how analytics can be spread across organizations, not stuck in isolated pockets.
  • Describe real-world problems solved by the strategic implementation of analytic methods and statistical techniques.
  • Showcase an interesting application you’ve built with JMP Scripting Language.
  • Describe an “aha!” moment of discovery and how you got there.
  • Advance and shape the application of statistical methods in a multidisciplinary setting.

Not a paper person? Consider presenting a poster.

If your application or research is better suited for a smaller niche audience, we encourage you to submit a poster abstract. Posters can depict a class assignment, a research project, or a business application. Academic, corporate, and individual users of JMP may submit entries. Posters will be judged based on their originality, innovative application, and/or the use of visualization to express the data.

We are seeking posters that:

  • Exhibit substantial evidence of the nature of a designated problem.
  • Present the method(s) used to reach a viable solution.
  • Provide a solid explanation of that solution.

Paper and poster timeline

  • Tuesday, Apr 23: Call for content ends
  • Friday, May 24: Selections announced
  • Tuesday, Jun 11: Schedule your recording timeslot by
  • Thursday, Aug 1: Final versions of papers, posters and presentation materials are due and presentation recordings start
  • Friday, Aug 30: Recordings of paper and poster presentations are completed
  • Monday, Oct 21: In-Person papers are presented
Any Questions?
Submit an abstract