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Enregistrement automatique du log dans un projet

Souvent j'oublie d'enregistrer le log dans ma fenetre de script lorsque je ferme un projet. Il serait très utile d'avoir un enregistrement automatique pour pouvoir conserver toutes nos démarches. Si cela existe déjà je ne l'ai pas trouvé....


Level VII
Status changed to: Needs Info

Hello @mgerusdurand , after review of this feature request, I want to clarify what you are asking for.  In JMP 16 , the Enhanced Log will capture many of the operations you do in JMP, which you can then use to recreate the analysis you had previous performed.  In v17 we are working to improve that ability and make it easier to capture those steps in a workflow that can be saved.  Does that improvement solve your problem, or are you asking for an option to automatically save the Enhanced Log as the end of a JMP session?


Level IV

Hello @SamGardner ,


Saving the log is ok already in JMP 16 for me. Because I am working most of the time with projects (and not separated data table) I would really appreciate that we can choose to save automatically the log each time we close the project. Our quality department ask us to save it and sometimes we forget. If we could set up this option in preference for JMP16 then we will stop forgetting to save it manually.

