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A preference for adjusting the default color and thickness of Spec Limit lines in graphs

What inspired this wish list request?  Need manually or automate it by writing code in JSL I have many charts in a grape and need update SPEC lines for every chart for changing colors, line type and line width to stands out the spec limits. Current preferences option only applies to graphic fit line, font size, etc. but not Spec Limit Lines, which is equally important if it is not more important can others. So we do not need to manually update limit lines for each every time and each every chart.  


What is the improvement you would like to see? 

It is equally importance as grid lines, graph lines width, Box Plot Line Width and so on.


Why is this idea important? Not everyone can see full spectrum color. Even though I am not color blinded but need to make limit lines stand out in the grape so other people can see clearly. The current limit lines could be covered by grid lines also or make not clear to see. 



1 Comment
Level XII

yes, interesting that there is no setting to specify the color ?!?!