Is there a way to set a default size for graphs? I like my Predicted Vs Actual graphs to have a pixel size of 325 x 325. Instead of going in after the fact, I would like to set these as a default size. But I can find nowhere in the Platform Defaults to change this setting. Is this possible, or does JMP not have a way to specify the size of graphical output.
Hi @Newbie_1 ,
I know you can set the default size for the height: File > Preferences > Graphs. In the panel "Graphs", you can set the graph height in pixels. I don't see how to set the width, though.
However, you can always script it up. If you reference your graph as gb or something, you can send it the command gb << Set Graph Size (x, y), where x and y are the pixel sizes of the graph. See for example the Scripting Index help on Graph Size.
Hope this helps!,
Thanks. This didn't really help, but I appreciate the suggestion.