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大数据分析之标准化与JMP实战流程_Voca Lai

演讲嘉宾:赖明煌, 台湾某知名半导体厂商研发主管,资深数据分析专家
Speaker: Voca Lai, R&D Manager, Taiwan's Semiconductor Assembly & Testing Giant

Topic: The Standardization of Big Data Analysis and JMP® Experimental Flow



大数据的热潮方兴未艾,但市场上所谓的大数据应用,其实多止于整理归纳、并无分析;没有分析则遑论进一步原因探讨与下对策、甚至预测,所以一般的大数据应用可能只做一半,让人感受不到它的神奇魅力。此演讲以作者深耕半导体产业多年的实战経验,分享数据分析: 从整理到分析、从决策到预测、以解决问题的所有步驟,归纳出可以标准化的流程;并举例说明如何将JMP独有的工具结合到此实战流程中,做出完美的呈现。



The recent upsurge of big data is still hot, but most of its applications in the market is limited to summaries or regression and does not include analysis. Without analysis, we cannot do further exploration of root causes and then make decisions or make predictions. The general application of big data is incomplete, and people should not fall to its magical charms. This lecture, based on the author’s practical experience in the semiconductor field for many years, will show you the data analysis steps with a standardized flow from sorting to analysis for decision making or making predictions and then solving the problem. The unique tools in JMP provide a template for a perfect demonstration.