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Structured Problem Solving using JMP Cause and Effect Diagram, mind-mapping software, and JSL (2020-US-30MP-569)

Daniel Sutton, Statistician - Innovation, Samsung Austin Semiconductor


Structured Problem Solving (SPS) tools were made available to JMP users through a JSL script center as a menu add-in. The SPS script center allowed JMP users to find useful SPS resources from within a JMP session, instead of having to search for various tools and templates in other locations. The current JMP Cause and Effect diagram platform was enhanced with JSL to allow JMP users the ability to transform tables between wide format for brainstorming and tall format for visual representation. New branches and “parking lot” ideas are also captured in the wide format before returning to the tall format for visual representation. By using JSL, access to mind-mapping files made by open source software such as Freeplane was made available to JMP users, to go back and forth between JMP and mind-mapping. This flexibility allowed users to freeform in mind maps then structure them back in JMP. Users could assign labels such as Experiment, Constant and Noise to the causes and identify what should go into the DOE platforms for root cause analysis. Further proposed enhancements to the JMP Cause and Effect Diagram are discussed.



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Rene and Dan Welcome to structured, problem solving, using the JMP cause and effect diagram open source mind mapping software and JSL. My name is Dan Sutton name is statistician at Samsung Austin Semiconductor where I teach statistics and statistical software such as JMP.
For the outline of my talk today, I will first discuss what is structured problem solving, or SPS. I will show you what we have done at Samsung Austin Semiconductor using JMP and JSL to create a SPS script center.
Next, I'll go over the current JMP cause and effect diagram and show how we at Samsung Austin Semiconductor use JSL to work with the JMP cause and effect diagram.
I will then introduce you to my mapping software such as Freeplane, a free open source software.
I will then return to the cause and effect diagram and show how to use the third column option of labels for marking experiment, controlled, and noise factors.
I want to show you how to extend cause and effect diagrams for five why's and cause mapping and finally recommendations for the JMP cause and effect platform.
Structured problem solving.
So everyone has been involved with problem solving at work, school or home, but what do we mean by structured problem solving?
It means taking unstructured, problem solving, such as in a brainstorming session and giving it structure and documentation as in a diagram that can be saved, manipulated and reused.
Why use structured problem solving?
One important reason is to avoid jumping to conclusions for more difficult problems.
In the JMP Ishikawa example, there might be an increase in defects in circuit boards. Your SME, or subject matter expert, is convinced it must be the temperature controller on the folder...on the solder process again.
But having a saved structure as in the causes of ...cause and effect diagram allows everyone to see the big picture and look for more clues.
Maybe it is temperate control on the solder process, but a team member remembers seeing on the diagram that there was a recent change in the component insertion process and that the team should investigate
In the free online training from JMP called Statistical Thinking in Industrial Problem Solving, or STIPS for short, the first module is titled statistical thinking and problem solving.
Structured problem solving tools such as cause and effect diagrams and the five why's are introduced in this module. If you have not taken advantage of the free online training through STIPS, I strongly encourage you to check it out. Go to
This is the cause and effect diagram shown during the first module.
In this example, the team decided to focus on an experiment involving three factors. This is after creating, discussing, revisiting, and using the cause and effect diagram for the structured problem solving.
Now let's look at the SPS script center that we developed at the Samsung Austin Semiconductor.
At Samsung Austin Semiconductor, JMP users wanted access to SPS tools and templates from within the JMP window, instead of searching through various folders, drives, saved links or other software.
A floating script center was created to allow access to SPS tools throughout the workday. Over on the right side of the script center are links to other SPS templates in Excel. On the left side of the script center are JMP scripts.
It is launched from a customization of the JMP menu. Instead of putting the scripts under add ins, we chose to modify the menu to launch a variety of helpful scripts.
Now let's look at the JMP cause and effect diagram.
If you have never used this platform, this is what's called the cause and effect diagram looks like in JMP. The user selects a parent column and a child column. The result is the classic fishbone layout.
Note the branches alternate left and right and top and bottom to make the diagram more compact for viewing on the user's screen.
But the classic fishbone layout is not the only layout available. If you hover over the diagram, you can select change type and then select hierarchy.
This produces a hierarchical layout that, in this example, is very wide in the x direction. To make it more compact, you do have the option to rotate the text to the left
or you can rotate it to the right, as shown in here in the slides.
Instead of rotating just the text, it might be nice to rotate the diagram also to left to right. In this example, the images from the previous slide were rotated in PowerPoint.
To illustrate what it might look like if the user had this option in JMP. JMP developers, please take note. As you will see you later, this has more the appearnce of mind mapping software.
The third layout option is called nested. This creates a nice compact diagram that may be preferred by some users. Note, you can also rotate the text in the nested option, but maybe not as desired.
Did you know the JMP cause and effect diagram can include floating diagrams? For example, parking lots that can come up in a brainstorming session.
If a second parent is encountered that's not used as a child, a new diagram will be created. In this example, the team is brainstorming and someone mentions, "We should buy a new machine or used equipment."
Now, this idea is not part of the current discussion on causes. So the team facilitator decides to add to the JMP table as a new floating note called a parking lot, the JMP cause and effect diagram will include it.
Alright, so now let's look at some examples of using JSL to manipulate the cause and effect diagram.
So new scripts to manipulate the traditional JMP cause and effect diagram and associated data table were added to the floating script center. You can see examples of these to the right on this PowerPoint slide.
JMP is column based and the column dialogue for the cause and effect platform requires one column for the parent and one column for the child. This table is what is called the tall format.
But a wide table format might be more desired at times, such as in brainstorming sessions. With a click of a script button, our JMP users can do this to change from a tall format to a wide format.
width and depth. In tall table format you would have to enter the parent each time adding that child.
When done in wide format, the user can use the script button to stack the wide C&E table to tall.
Another useful script in brainstorming might be taking a selected cell and creating a new category. The team realizes that it may need to add more subcategories under wrong part.
A script was added to create a new column from a selected cell while in the wide table format. The facilitator can select the cell, like wrong part, then selecting this script button, a new column is created and subcauses can be entered below.
you would hover over wrong part, right click, and select Insert below.
You can actually enter up to 10 items. The new causes appear in the diagram. And if you don't like the layout JMP allows moving the text. For example, you can click...right click and move to the other side.
JMP cause and effect diagram compacts the window using left and right, up and down, and alternate. Some users may want the classic look of the fishbone diagram,
but with all bones in the same direction. By clicking on this script button, current C&E all bones to the left side, it sets them to the left and below.
Likewise, you can click another script button that sets them all to the right and below.
Now let's discuss mind mapping.
In this section we're going to take a look at the classic JMP cause and effect diagram and see how to turn it into something that looks more like mind mapping.
This is the same fishbone diagram as a mind map using Freeplane software, which is an open source software. Note the free form of this layout, yet it still provides an overview of causes for the effect.
One capability of most mind mapping software is the ability to open and close notes, especially when there is a lot going on in the problem solving discussion.
For example, a team might want to close notes (like components, raw card and component insertion) and focus just on the solder process and inspection branches. In Freeplane, closed nodes are represented by circles, where the user can click to open them again.
The JMP cause and effect diagram already has the ability to close a note. Once closed though, it is indicated by three dots or three periods or ellipses. In the current versions of JMP, there's actually no options to open it again.
So what was our solution? We included a floating window that will open and close any parent column category.
So over on the right, you can see alignment, component insertion, components, etc., are all included as all the parent nodes. By clicking on the checkbox, you can close a node and then clicking again will open it. For addtion, the script also highlights the text in red when closed.
One reason for using open source mind mapping software like Freeplane is that the source file can be accessed by anyone. And it's not a proprietary format like other mind mapping software.
You can actually access it through any kind of text editor. Okay, the entire map can be loaded by using JSL commands that access texts strings.
Use JSL to look for XML attributes to get the names of each node. A discussion of XML is beyond the scope of this presentation, but see the JMP Community for additional help and examples.
And users at Samsung Austin Semiconductor would click on Make JMP table from a file.
At this time, we do not have a straight JMP to Freeplane script. It's a little more complicated, but Freeplane does allow users to import text from a clipboard using spaces to knit the nodes.
So by placing the text in the journal, the example here is on the left side at this slide, the user can then copy and paste into Freeplane and you would see the Freeplane diagram on the, on the right.
Now let's look at adding labels of experiment, controlled, and noise to a cause and effect diagram.
Another use of cause and effect diagrams is to categories...categorize specific causes for investigation or improvements. These are often category...categorize as controlled or constant (C),
noise or (N) or experiment might be called X or E. For those who we're taught SPC Excel by Air Academy Associates, you might have used or still use the CE/CNX template.
So to be able to do this in JMP, to add these characters, we would need to revisit the underlying script. When you actually use the optional third label column...the third column label is used.
When a JMP user adds a label columln in the script, it changes the text edit box to a vertical list box with two new horizontal center boxes containing the two...
two text edit boxes, one with the original child, and now one with the value from the label column. It actually has a default font color of gray and is applied
as illustrated here in this slide.
Our solution using JSL was to add a floating window with all the children values specified.
Whatever was checked could be updated for E, C or N and added to the table and the diagram. And in fact, different colors could be specified by the script by changing the font color option as shown in the slide.
JMP cause and effect diagram for five why's and mind mapping causes.
While exploring the cause and effect diagram, another use as a five why's or cause mapping was discovered. Although these SPS tools do not display well on the default fish bone layout,
hierarchy layout is ideal for this type of mapping. The parent and child become the why and because statements, and the label column can be used to add numbering for your why's.
Sometimes there can be more and this is what it looks like on the right side. Sometimes there can be more than one reason for a why and JMP cause and effect diagram can handle it. This branching or cause mapping can be seen over here on the right.
Even the nested layout can be used for a five why. In this example, you can also set up a script to set the text wrap width, so the users do not have to do each box one at a time.
Or you can make your own interactive diagram using JSL. Here I'm just showing some example images of what that might look like.
You might prompt the user in a window dialogue for their why's and then fill in the table and a diagram for the user. Once again, using the cause and effect diagram as over on the left side of the slide.
Conclusions and recommendations. All right. In conclusion, the JMP cause and effect diagram has many excellent built in features already for structured problem solving.
The current JMP cause and effect diagram was augmented using JSL scripts to add more options when being used for structured problem solving at Samsung Austin Semiconductor.
JSL scripts were also used to make the cause and effect diagram act more like mind mapping software.
So, what would be my recommendations?
fishbone, hierarchy, nested, which use different types of display boxes in JSL.
How about a fourth type of layout? How about mind map that will allow more flexible mind map layout? I'm going to add this to the wish list. And then finally, how about even a total mind map platform? That would be even a bigger wish.
Thank you for your time and thank you to Samsung Austin Semiconductor and JMP for this opportunity to participate in the JMP Discovery Summit 2020 online. Thank you.