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Staying Organized on JMP Live and in JMP Projects (2022-US-45MP-1115)

JMP Live is a secure collaboration platform for sharing JMP insights with your colleagues, even if they are not JMP users. JMP Projects are self-contained files that help you organize JMP data tables, reports, scripts and more.  This presentation walks through some strategies for staying organized in JMP Live, and in JMP Projects, and for moving smoothly between the two.



Hi,  I'm  Aurora  Tiffany- Davis, and  I'm  joined  today  by  Aaron  Andersen.

We're  software  developers on  the  JMP  Live  team.

We'd  like  to  talk  to  you  today about  staying  organized

on  JMP  Live  and  in   JMP Projects.

As  a  reminder,

JMP  Live  is  a  secure  platform for  sharing  your  JMP  insights

with  your  colleagues,

even  if  they  don't  use  JMP  themselves.

It  also  offers  deeper  collaboration with  your  colleagues  who  do  use  JMP.

JMP Projects  are  self- contained  files which  can  help  you  to  organize

your  data  tables,  your  reports, your  scripts,  and  more.

To  get  started,  Aaron  is  going  to  talk

a  little  bit  more  about those   JMP Projects.


Thanks,  Aurora.

I  am  JMP  Developer  Aaron  Andersen,

and  I'm  going  to  show  you  how  to  organize your  work  using   JMP Projects.

To  do  this,  I'm  going  to  use  some  data from  the  JMP  sample  data  directory.

If  you  have  JMP  open while  you  watch this video,

you  can  follow  along  with  us.

Seventeen  samples,  data.

The data I'm  going  to  use   is called  Airline Delays .jmp.

I'd  like  to  do  some  analysis  of  this,

and hopefully,  get  some  insights.

Because  I  know  that  I'm  going to be  producing  several  reports,

and  I'm  not  sure  what  else with  this project,

I  would  like  to  keep  all  of  those  things organized  and  together in JMP.

To  do  that,  I'm  going to  use  a   JMP Project.

I  will  go to  File,  New, P roject,

which  creates  a  new  project and  opens  the   JMP Project  window.

JMP Project  window  is  a  container  window

into  which  all  of  the  data  tables

and  reports that  I'm  going  to  create  or open

will  live  throughout  this  project.

Let's  drag  Airline  Delays  in.

We  can  see  this  JMP  data  table   opened here  in  the  project  window.

Let  me  make  this  bigger.

The  Airline  Delays  data  table  contains information

from  almost  30,000  airline flights

that  took  place  in  the  United  States over  the  course  of  a  year.

For  each  such  flight, we  have  information  about

how  long  the  flight  was, whether  the  flight  arrived  on  time  or  not

and  by  how  much,

and  what  airline  flew  that  flight.

To  get  a  better  visual  picture   of this information,

let's  open   Graph Builder.

Let's  start  by  getting  an  overview of  what  a  typical  week  looks  like.

Typically,  I  want  to  know, is  there  a  day  of  the  week

that  is  more  or  less  likely   to have its flight  delayed  than  others?

Now,  of  course,  all  I'm  really  learning from  this  is,  was  there  a  day  of  the  week

in  the  particular  year this  data  was  taken?

But  I  can  reasonably  extrapolate some  of  this  information

to  airline  flights  today.

We'll  start  with  Day  of  the  Week, put  that  in  the  Y  column,

and  Arrival  Delay  in  the  X  column.

That's Arrival Delay.

It's not...

Let's  switch  these  around,  Order  by


It  isn't  liking  the  day  for  some  reason.

Move Day of the Week down to here.

Put  Arrival  Delay  on  the  Y  axis. There  we  go.

Now,  I  have  pretty  good  graph  showing  me

the  mean  arrival  delay for  any  given  day  of  the  week.

I  can  already  see  that  Friday is  the  biggest  day  most  likely

or  statistically  expected to  have  the  longest  delays

and  Saturday  is  the  shortest.

To  get  a  little  bit  better  view  of  this, let's  group  this  by  airline.

Drag  airline  to  Group  Y.

Then  let's  flip  these  back like  I  wanted  to  do  the  first  time

when  I  couldn't  quite  get  it  right.

There  we  go.

Finally,  to  help  see the  days  of  the  week  better,

we'll  drag  Day  of  the  Week into  the  Color  column.

Then  I'm  going  to  change  the  color scheme  on  the  Day  of  the  Week.

Double  click  on  this  label  here,

hit  color  scheme,

and  get  a  color  scheme that's  not  quite  so  bold

for  this  particular  graph.


I  think  I'm  finished.

What  I  have  is  a  graph  showing

for  each  airline

and  each  day  of  the  week,

what  the  mean  arrival  delay was  for  the  year.

The  colors  allow  me  to  follow a  particular  day

from  one  airline  to  the  next.

The  first  thing  I  noticed  in  this  graph, which  is   funny,

is  that  there's  only  one  of  these that's  negative.

If  I  flew  Southwest  on  a  Saturday,

my  expected  delay  would  be  negative,

which  is  to  say I  respect  to  arrive on time,

whereas  every  other  row in  the  whole  graph  is  positive.

On  average,

the  flights  were  late  every  other  day of  the  week  for  every  other  airline.

That's  not  what  you  want   if you're  ringing  an  airline.

But  at  least  they're  not  too  bad, 15 minutes,

10, 15  minutes  appears  to  be  typical for  the  average  anyway.

To  try  to  get  a  better  picture of  this data,

let's  create  one  more  graph.

Open   Graph Builder  a  second  time,

and  this  time, let's  try  to  get  an  overview

of  an  entire  year's  worth of  airline flights

to  see  if  there  are  clusters

of  higher  and  lower  delays throughout  the  year.

To  do  that,  I'm  going  to  drag  Month to  the  Y  column

and  Day  of  Month  to  the  X  axis.

Graph Builder  will  automatically create  a  heat  map  for  me.

Then  I'm  going  to  make  sure that  Arrival  Delay  is  the  color  source.

Finally,  let's  go  into  the  Y  axis,

and  reverse  the  order

so  that  January' at  the  top and  December's  at  the  bottom.

Now  I  have  a  graph  showing   an entire year's  worth  of  airline  flights.

I  can  already  see where  the  dark  red  is.

There  are  certain  clusters  of  delays.

There's  a  cluster  here   right around the  Christmas  holidays

in  the  United  States  that  drops  off once  the  holidays  actually  start.

There's  an  oddly  delay  filled  day  here

right  in  the  middle  of  November,

and  there's  a  lot  more in  the  summer  months

than  the  winter  months.

I  can  speculate  that

maybe  these  delays are  correlating  with  flight  volume,

but  the  more  people  who  fly,   the more likely  a  flight  is  to  be  delayed.

Because  airports  would  be  busier,

loading and unloading  a  plane takes long if there  are  more  people  on  it.

It's  a  pretty  good  hypothesis.

I  don't  have  that  data in  this  table,  though,

so  I  can't  confirm  it  yet.

But  I  have  a  pretty  good  start.

If  I  want  to  see  the  two  graphs that  I  made  side  by  side

in  the  product  window,

I  just  go  up  to  Airline  Delays,

and  I  drag  it  out,  and  I  drop  it in  this  dock  right,  drop  down.

Now  I  have  my  two  graphs  side- by- side,

so  I  can  see  them  both  simultaneously.

If  I  wanted  to,

I  can  actually  take  the  data  table, I  can  drag  that  down  to  the  bottom,

so  that  I  can  see  all  three  graphs

that  is to  say  all  three  items, two reports,

and  the  graph  at  the  same  time.

This  is  particularly  useful  if  I  want  to

modify  this  data  table,

and  watch  the  graphs  update  as  I  do.

But  before  I  do  that,

let's  save  this  project.

I've  made  a  lot  of  progress  here.

I  like  to  save  my  work so  that  I  don't lose it

if  something  goes  wrong or  I  mess  something  up.

Let's  go  to  File,  Save  Project  As,

put it on  the  Desktop

and  call  it  Airlines.jmpprj which  I  pronounce   JMP Project.

You can imagine  not  any  vowels. JMP Project.

That  will  save  the  project  file

here  on  my  Desktop,

and  I  can  now  close  it.

A ll  my  reports  that  I  created and  the  layout  that  I  use

are  saved  in  that  file.

If  I  reopen  that  file,

everything  comes  back right  the  way  I  left it,

which  is  the  second  useful  feature of   JMP Projects.

Not  only  can  you  organize  your  data and  your  reports  in  the  project  window

in  a  very  convenient  way, however  you  want,

you  can  also  save  the  project at  any point,

close  it,  and  resume where  you  left  off  later.

In  fact,  you  can  open more  than  one  project  file

at  the  same  time

if  you  want  to  work on  more  than  one  JMP analysis

or  more  than  one  project  any  given  day.

Now  that  I  have  this  project  back  open,

I'm  looking  at  the  Distance and  the  Elapsed  Time  columns  here,

and  I  can  see  that there  is  some  huge  variation

in  the  length  of  these  flights.

This  flight  is  327  minutes  long.

That's  five  and  a  half  hours of flight,   which  makes  sense;  it's  2,200  miles.

Whereas  this  flight is  a  little  bit  less  than  an  hour.

Some  of  them,  if  I  keep  scrolling, aren't  significantly  less  than  that.

Let's  say  that  I'd  like  to  exclude   shorter flights  from  my  analysis,

under  the  idea  that

I   only  want  to  look at  substantial  flights.

Maybe  if  your  flight is  only  half  an  hour long

then  small  delays and  getting  a  runway  position

change  things  more  than  in  a  large  flight, where  you  have  a  chance  to  make  up  time.

What  I'd  like  to  do  is  exclude from  these reports

all  flights  that  were  less  than say  an  hour  and  a  half  worth  of  length.

To  do  that,  I  will  go  to  Rows,

Row  Selection,

Select  Where.

I'm  going  to  select  Distance

and  set  distance  is...

actually,  Elapsed  Time.

You  can  do  with  mile, let's  do  it  with  minutes.

Any  flight  where  e lapsed  time is  less  than  90  minutes,

I  am  going  to  select  this in  the  data  table.

I  can  now  see  that there  were  9,338  such  flights

out  of  29,000  total  flights,

so  a significant  number  of  them.

To  exclude  them  from  the  analysis, I  can  go  up  here  to  Rows,

select H ide  and  Exclude,

and  all  of  these  are  now  hidden.

You  can  see  that  the  data changed  a  little  bit.

It  didn't  change  a  lot,  but  it  did  change.

There  is  a  difference  in  longer  flights versus  shorter  flights

in  what  the  mean  delays  turn  out  to  be.

Having  done  that, I'll  save  the  project again

so  that  I  can  save  my  progress and  come  back  to  this  point  later.

Before  I  do  that,  notice  that  I  modified the Airline delay data table

to  hide  and  exclude  all  of  these  rows.

I  would  like  when  I  resume  this  work

for  those  modifications   to restore  with  the  project.

But  what  I  don't  want  to  do is  overwrite the copy

that  is  in  my  sample  data  folder

because  I  would  keep  these pristine  and  fresh

the  way  they  sit  with  JMP  for  future  use.

What  I'm  going  to  do  is  I'm  going to  save  a  copy  of  this  data  table.

I'll  Save  As.

But  because  I'm  in  a  project, I  have  the  option  to  save  it

to  a  place  called  the  Project  Contents, which  is  about  what  it  sounds  like.

It  is  how  I  can  save  this  table

to be contained inside  the  project  file  itself.

The  project  is  essentially a  miniature  file  system

that  can  contain  files  and  folders

relevant  to  your  JMP  analysis that  live  inside  the  project  file.

If  I  hit  Save  here,

we  can  now  see  that  Airline  Delays,

a  copy  of  it is  saved  inside  of  this  project.

If  I  go  back  to  my  Desktop...

I  got  to  save  the  project  first,

save the  project, then  go  back  to  my  Desktop.

We  can  see  that  when  I  save  the  project,

the  size  gets  quite  a  bit  larger   because now  this  file  itself  contains,

not  just  two  reports, but  also  the  data  table

that  I  use  to  generate  those  reports.

Because  this  is  a  self- contained  file,

I  can  do  things  like  copy  and  paste to  create  a  backup  copy  of  the  file.

Now  my  backup  copy  also  contains its  own  copy  of

safely  secure  here

in  case  I  mess  up  the  other copy  in  my  main  project.

Because  this  is  a  single  file,

it's  easy  for  me  to  email  this  file to  one  of  my  colleagues,

if  they  also  are  a  JMP  user,

and  allow  them  to  open  this  project

and see the  results of  the  work  that  I  did.

However,  if  I  want  an  easy  way to  share  this project

with  non- JMP  users,

if  I  want  an  easy  way  for  me and  my  colleagues  to  collaborate

on  this  work  together,

I  can  upload  these  reports to  my  organization's  JMP  Live  Instance,

where  my  colleagues  can  see  them.

To  do  that,

and I  put  these  back  into  Tabs  first,

to  publish  these  reports  to  JMP  Live,

I'm  going  to  go  File,  Publish, Publish  Reports  to  JMP  Live.

This  loads  the  JMP  Live  Publish page  from  my  organization's J MP  Live  Instance.

I  want  to  publish  both  of  these  reports,

and  I  want  to  publish  them  to  a  space called  Discovery  Americas  2022,

and  a  folder called  Staying  Organized  on  JMP  Live

and  in  JMP Projects, title  of  this  presentation,

where  we'll  explain  shortly

what  a  space  is and  how  full  of  JMP  Live  work.

But  for  now,  this  is  where I  want  to  put  this  stuff.

Let's  go  ahead  and  hit  Next.

This last  string  gives  me  a  chance to  customize  the  titles  of  these  reports.

These  are  generic.

Let's  rewrite  this  to  be Airline  Delays  by  Weekday  and  Airline,

or  say,  Day  of  Week, to be  less  ambiguous.

Down  here,  let's  call  this  one Airline  Delays  by  Month  and  Day  of  Month.

Now  I  have  two  reports  ready  to  go. I  hit  Publish.

JMP  is  going  to  upload  these  reports

and  the  data  that  I  use  to  create  them to  our  JMP  Live  Instance.

Now  we  see  Success  page. It's  already  finished.

Showing  me  that  I  published  two  reports and  one  data  table

to  a  folder  called  Staying  Organized on  JMP  Live  and  in   JMP Projects.

I  can  click  on  this  link

to  actually  load  it  in  JMP  Live

and  see  that  it  is  there, largely  the  same  as  it  was  on  my  system.

To  show  off  JMP  Live  and  demonstrate the  value  and  able  to  collaborate  and  work

with  reports  in  this  way, and  pass  it  to  Aurora.

Yeah. Thank  you,  Aaron.

All  right,  so  I'm  browsing  around on  the  homepage

of  our  organization's  JMP  Live  site,

and  I  see  that  Aaron  has  published some  new  reports

that  look  pretty  interesting, having  to  do  with  airline  delays.

I  see  that  he  put  both  of  these in  the  same  folder.

Let's  take  a  look  at  that  folder.

One  of  the  easiest  ways  to  stay organized  when  you're  working  with  JMP  Live

is  whenever  you're  publishing  the  reports,  just put them  somewhere  reasonable.

Easy  enough. And  Aaron  has  done  that  here.

He's  put  his  reports  into  a  folder called  Staying  Organized  on  JMP  Live.

Of  course,  that's  the  title of  this  talk  that  we're  giving.

But  if  you  recall, even  before  he  chose  a  folder,

he  was  asked  to  choose  a  space to  publish his content to,

and  he  chose the  Discovery  Americas  2022  space.

This  is  a  place  for  Aaron  and  I  and  a  few of  our  other  colleagues  in  JMP  Live

to  work  on  content  related to  this  Discovery  conference.

It  contains  interesting  reports

not only  in  the  Staying  Organized on  JMP  Live  talk,

but  also  we've  got  another  talk in  this  conference

that  takes  a  deep  dive into  publishing,

another  one  about  automatically refreshing  your  data,  and  so  on.

It  makes  sense  that  we  would all be  working  in  the  same  space.

But  what  is  a  space?

Well,  I  like  to really  call  them collaboration spaces,

because  that's  really  what  they  are.

They're  just  a  place for  multiple  JMP  users

to  work  together  on  the  same  content.

To  show  you  more  about  what  I  mean,

I  will  switch  over  to  a  browser, where I'm logged  in  as  an  administrator.

As  an  admin,  I  have  access to  this  Permissions  tab.

When  I  click  on  this  tab,

I  can  easily  turn  on  and  off collaboration permissions

for  individual  users and  for  groups  of  users.

We  can  see  here  that  in  this  space, all  of  the  users  in  my  organization

have  permission  to  view  the  content in  this  space  and  to  download  it.

But  Aaron  and  I, we  have  some  extra  permissions,

so  we  have  the  permission  to  create new  content  in  the  space,

in  other  words,  to  publish, like  Aaron  just  did  a  moment  ago.

We  also  have  permission to  edit  content  and  so  on.

We  are  fairly  well  trusted  members of  the  space.

Let  me  switch  back to  my  normal  browser  now.

Of  course,  Discovery  Americas  2022

isn't  the  only  space that  my  organization has set up,

and  I'd  like  to  show  you how  to  find  additional  spaces.

But  before  I  do,  I  know  I'm  going  to want to  find  this  folder  again,

so  I'm  going  to  bookmark  it

to  make  it  really  easy for  myself  later  on.

Now  if  I  go  up  to  this  blue  navigation  bar and  click  on  the  word  Spaces,

it  opens  up  the  Space  Directory,

and  we  can  see  here  that  I  have access  to  some  other  spaces  as  well.

Discovery  Americas  2022   is the  one  we  are  just  looking  at.

We  also  have  one for  Discovery  Europe 2023,

a  conference  coming  up  in  the  spring.

I  see  that  there's  also  a  space  here with  my  name  on  it.

That  is  my  own  personal  space.

In  JMP  Live  version  17,

every  user  gets  their  own  personal  space to  do  with  whatever  they  want.

There's  also  a  shortcut to  your  personal  space.

If  you  go  all  the  way  to  the  top and  all the way to the right

and  click  on  your  profile  picture, you'll  see  this  shortcut

My  Personal  Space,

My space  doesn't  really   have that much in  it,

but  what  it  does  have is  this P ermissions  tab,

even  though  I'm  not  an  admin.

The  reason  being this  is  my  own  personal space,

so  I  should  get  a  say   on who has access  to  it.

Of  course,  by  default, I'm  the  only  one  with  access  to  it,

but  I  can  invite  more  people  in  if  I  want.

I  have  chosen  to  let  Michael  Goff  in to  see  the  content  in  my  space,

although,  I  don't  really let  him  do  much  else.

Now  that  we've  had that  brief  tour of spaces,

let's  go  back  to  the  folder we  were  working  in.

I'm  going  to  use  the  bookmark  I  made to  get  there  quickly.

All  right,  here  we  are.

I  can  see  these reports  that  Aaron  has  published,

but  I'm  thinking  ahead,

and  I  think  we're  going  to  want   a lot more content  in  here  in  the  future,

maybe  some  content  that  doesn't  have anything  to  do  with  airlines.

To  stay  organized,

I'm  going  to  create  a  new  folder

by  going  up  here and  finding  the  New  Folder  icon,

click  that,  and  let's  say  airlines.

Now  that  I  think  about  it, I  actually  have  some  airlines,

at  least  one  airline  report that  I  want  to  publish  as  well.

But  whereas  Aaron's  reports are  entirely  related  to  airline  delays,

my  report  has  nothing  to  do  with  that.

It's  more  to  do  with  the  flow  of  traffic of  airplanes  over  the  continental  US.

I'm  going  to  add  another  layer of  organization  in  here  under  Airlines.

I'm  going  to  create  a  folder called  Delays  for  Aaron's  stuff

and  a  folder  called  Traffic  Flow for  my  stuff.

Now,  I  just  want  to  move Aaron's  content  into  the  right  place.

The  easiest  way  for  me  to  do  that   is to  click  over  to  the  Files  tab,

and  I  will  select  all  of  Aaron's  files,

that  being  the  two  reports that  he published

and  the  data that  those  reports  rely  upon.

I'll  come  over  here  to  the  upper  right and  select  Move  Posts,

and  I'll  find  that  Delays  folder I  just  created  a  second  ago,

and  move  all  of  Aaron's  content  in  there.

Now  we've  got  Airlines  with  two  folders:

Delays  that's  got  Aaron's  stuff, and  Traffic  Flow  that's  got  nothing  in  it,

because  I'm  just  about to  publish  something  to  it  right  now.

Let  me  switch  over  to  JMP  on  my  machine.

I  have  here  a  bubble  plot with  a  local  data  filter.

This  shows  the  flow  of  flights

that  are  taking  place over  the  continental  US.

It  also  has  a  local  data  filter.

I  can  filter  this to  just  show  certain  airlines.

I've  chosen  Delta  and  Southwest.

We  can  see  here  that  Delta has  a  hub  in  Atlanta,  Georgia,

and  we  can  see,  rather  unsurprisingly,

that  Southwest  Airlines concentrates   its flight  patterns

in  the  Southwest  region of  the  United  States.

Let's  publish  this  to  JMP  live.


It  works  just  the  same  as  when  Aaron was  publishing  from  his  project,

even  though  I'm  publishing outside  of  a  project.

File, P ublish, Publish  Reports  to  JMP  Live.

The  first  thing  you  do  is  choose   among those  reports  that  you  have  open

which  ones  do  you  want  to  publish.

It's  a  really  easy  decision  for  me   because I  only  have  one  report  open.


Now  I  need  to  choose,  of  course, where  to  put  it.

I'm  going  to  stay in  the  Discovery   Americas  2022  space.

I'm  going  to  stay in  the  Staying  Organized  folder.

But  under  that, I  want  to  drill  down  a  little  bit,

go  inside  Airlines and  inside T raffic  Flow,

and  that's  where  I  want   my reports to  be  published.

I'll  click  Next.

Just  publish  that.

We  can  see  here  on  the  results  screen

that  we  have  published to  the  Traffic  Flow  folder

one  new  report  as  well  as  the  data that  the  report  relies  upon.

It's  this  data  that  allows  the  report to  remain interactive

once  it  goes  on  JMP  Live.

Let  me  follow  the  link  here,

and  this  will  open  up my  organization's  JMP  Live  site

and  take  me  right to  this  newly  published report

and  we  can  see that  it  is  still  interactive.

I  can  speed  it  up, slow  it  down,

maybe  I  want  to  find  out what's  going  on  with  Express  Jet,

a  much  smaller  airline.

You  can  see the  interactivity  is  still  here

I  want  to  let  Aaron  know  that  I've  done a  little  bit  of  reorganization

so  that  he  can  see  what  he  thinks  of  it.

I'm  going  to  move  back  up our  folder  hierarchy  a  little  bit.

My  report  is  in  the folder  Traffic  Flow, of  course,  so  I'll  move  up  there,

then  I'll  move  up  one  more to  this  Airlines.

I  want  to  let  Aaron  know  what's  going  on .

Let  me  actually  make  a  comment   on one of  his  reports.

That's  going  to  make  sure that he gets a notification about it.

Just  open  one  of  his  reports and  click  on  Comments  here,

and  I'll  just  let  him  know.

"Aaron,  I  did  a  bit  of  reorganization.

Let  me  know  what  you  think."

Let's  see  what  Aaron  thinks  about it.

Thanks, A urora.

If  I

want  my  JMP Live


I'm  going  to  see a  pop  up  here in  the  upper r ight- hand  corner

just  to  say  I'm  logged  in  on  my  computer  to the same  JMP  Live  Instance,

a  little  alert.

When  I  click  on  this, I  can  see  that  Aurora  Tiffany- Davis

added  a  new  comment to  a  report  that  I  uploaded.

I  can  click  here  to  go  to  the  report,

and  then  view  the  comment that  Aurora  made.

"I  did  a  bit  of  reorganization.

Let  me  know  what  you  think."

I'm  just  going  to  say, "This is great, thanks."

I  appreciate  her  helping  me  out  with  this.

I  can  now  go  in  and  take  a  look   at the report  that  she  added

I  said  it  was  great  before  I  saw  it because  we're  recording  a  video,

I  got  a  sneak  preview.

I  suppose  in  real  life, want  to  see  it  first,

so  I  can  know  if  I'm  saying this  is  great  or  this  is  crap,

depending  on  what  I  think of   Aurora's  work, but it is great.

It's  uploaded.

It's  airline  flights going  across  the  country .

Depending  on  whether  the  data  table that  she  used  for  this  has  dates  in  it,

I  might  actually  be  able  to  use  it to  answer  the  question  I  had  earlier,

which  is,  are  the  delays correlated  with  volume?

Even  if  it  doesn't, it's  data  that  I  would  like  to  add

to  the  project  that  I  created with  the  airline  delays.

What  I'd  like  to  do  then is  create  a  new project

that  contains  the  delay  reports that I made,

plus  the  traffic  flow  reports that  Aurora  made.

On  JMP  Live,

I  can  do  this  automatically.

I  just  go  to  the  Airlines  folder.

I  go  up  here  to  the  Menu  bar.

I  hit  Download  as   JMP Project,

and  JMP  Live is  going  to  create  a  project  for  me

with  this  information.

Let's put  that  on  the  Desktop, and  let's  call  it  Airlines  Updated.

When  I  open  this  project  in  JMP,

I'm  going  to  see  this  file, the  project  manifest

that JMP  Live  has had  to  tell  me  everything I put  in  the  project,

and  in  the  case  that it  went  wrong, what  it  couldn't  put  in  the  project

that's  empty  today,  which  means  everything that  should  have  been  there  was.

I  can  see  the  list  of  reports  included.

This  is  one  that  I  made.

If  I  click  on  that, it  will  open  the  project.

I  can  also  get  them  down  here because  all of these reports and the data

is  saved  inside  the  Project  Contents.

In  fact,  it's saved  in  the  exact same  folder structure

that  Aurora  organized  it  into on  JMP  Live,

which  is  useful  for  me

because   now it's  in  two  neat little  subfolders.

I  can  open  the  air  traffic  report that  she  made  and  return  to  here.

I  can  swap  out  the  airlines  interactive, just  like  it  was  before.

I  can  add  all  of  this  stuff to  the  work  that  I  did.

I  have  essentially  round  trips  to  Data.

It  started  on  my  machine   when I  made  my  first  two  reports.

I  upload  it  to  my  organization's JMP  Live i nstance.

A colleague, Aurora,

was  able  to  see  the  report that  I created,

add  to  them  herself,

reorganize  the  structure of  my end  or  hers,

and  then  I  was  able  to,  in  one  step, download  the  resulting  folder

as  a  JMP  project

that  I  can  then  continue  to  work  with, analyze,  explore,  and  discover.

Pass  it  back  to  Aurora  to  finish  up.

Yeah. Thank  you,  Aaron.

I  hope  that  the  features that  we  showed  you  today

can  help  you  to  stay  organized.

Mostly,  I  hope  that  you and  your  colleagues

are  creating  so  much  content  in JMP

that  staying  organized becomes  absolutely  crucial  for  you.

There  are  actually  several  other  JMP  Live focused  talks  during  this  conference,

so  if  you're  interested  in  JMP  Live, we  encourage  you  to  check  those  out.

Either  way,  thank  you  so  much for  joining  us  today,

and  we  hope  you  have  a  fantastic rest  of  your  conference.

Bye  now.