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Make JMP Better by Reporting Your Crashes and Telemetry

If you’ve ever had the misfortune to encounter a JMP crash, you have probably encountered a prompt asking you to send JMP your crash files. (Side note: please send us your crashes and provide your email if you’d like to work with JMP Technical Support.) If you send your files, they are combined with those from internal testers and customers all over the world and are fed into the JMP Crash System. The JMP DevOps team uses our own JMP software to analyze the JMP crash files that you've reported and then works with JMP Development to define connections between crash signatures and known bugs.

I outline the process we go through to use JMP and other tools to analyze JMP crashes. It is now a relatively simple exercise for us to match up a new crash report to a known issue or identify it as a novel case that needs further investigation. However, solving novel mystery crashes isn’t such a straightforward process. This poster demonstrates how you can help us solve more crashes by providing detailed information with your crash reports and explains how this helps the JMP development process. In addition to crash details, JMP 18 also allows you to send anonymous telemetry about your JMP feature usage. We use this information to better understand customer usage patterns, as well as hardware and operating system distributions.
