Jeremy Ash, JMP Analytics Software Tester, SAS
The Model Driven Multivariate Control Chart (MDMCC) platform enables users to build control charts based on PCA or PLS models. These can be used for fault detection and diagnosis of high dimensional data sets. We demonstrate MDMCC monitoring of a PLS model using the simulation of a real-world industrial chemical process: the Tennessee Eastman Process. During the simulation, quality and process variables are measured as a chemical reactor produces liquid products from gaseous reactants. We demonstrate how MDMCC can perform online monitoring by connecting JMP to an external database. Measuring product quality variables often involves a time delay before measurements are available which can delay fault detection substantially. When MDMCC monitors a PLS model, the variation of product quality variables is monitored as a function of process variables. Since process variables are often more readily available, this can aid in the early detection of faults. We also demonstrate fault diagnosis in an offline setting. This often involves switching between multivariate control charts, univariate control charts and diagnostic plots. MDMCC provides a user-friendly interface to move between these plots.
Speaker |
Transcript |
Hello, I'm Jeremy Ash. I'm a | |
statistician in JMP R&D. My job | |
primarily consists of testing | |
the multivariate statistics | |
platforms in JMP, but I also | |
help research and evaluate | |
methodology. Today I'm going to | |
be analyzing the Tennessee | |
Eastman process using some | |
statistical process control | |
methods in JMP. I'm going to | |
be paying particular attention | |
to the model driven multivariate | |
control chart platform, which is | |
a new addition to JMP 15. | |
These data provide an | |
opportunity to showcase the | |
number of the platform's | |
features. And just as a quick | |
disclaimer, this is similar to | |
my Discovery Americas talk. We | |
realized that Europe hadn't seen a | |
model driven multivariate | |
control chart talk due to all the | |
craziness around COVID, so I | |
decided to focus on the basics. | |
But there is some new material | |
at the end of the talk. I'll | |
briefly cover a few additional | |
example analyses, then I put on | |
the Community page for the talk. | |
First, I'll assume some knowledge | |
of statistical process control | |
in this talk. The main thing it | |
would be helpful to know about | |
is control charts. If you're | |
not familiar with these, these | |
are charts used to monitor | |
complex industrial systems to | |
determine when they deviate | |
from normal operating | |
conditions. | |
I'm not gonna have much time to | |
go into the methodology of model | |
driven multivariate control | |
chart, so I'll refer to these other | |
great talks that are freely | |
available on the JMP Community | |
if you want more details. I | |
should also say that Jianfeng | |
Ding was the primary | |
developer of the model driven | |
multivariate control control | |
chart in collaboration with | |
Chris Gotwalt and that Tonya | |
Mauldin and I were testers. The | |
focus of this talk will be using | |
multivariate control charts to | |
monitor a real world | |
typical process; another novel | |
aspect will be using control | |
charts for online process | |
monitoring. This means we'll be | |
monitoring data continuously as | |
it's added to a database and | |
detecting faults in real time. | |
So I'm going to start off with | |
the obligatory slide on the | |
advantages of multivariate | |
control charts. So why not use | |
univariate control charts? There | |
are a number of excellent | |
options in JMP. Univariate | |
control charts are excellent | |
tools for analyzing a few | |
variables at a time. However, | |
quality control data are often | |
high dimensional and the number | |
of control charts you need to | |
look at can quickly become | |
overwhelming. Multivariate | |
control charts can summarize a | |
high dimensional process in | |
just a couple of control charts, | |
so that's a key advantage. | |
But that's not to say that | |
univeriate control charts aren't | |
useful in this setting. You'll | |
see throughout the talk that | |
fault diagnosis often involves | |
switching between multivariate | |
and univariate charts. | |
Multivariate control charts give | |
you a sense of the overall | |
health of the process, while | |
univariate charts allow you to | |
monitor specific aspects of the | |
process. So the information is | |
complementary. One of the goals | |
of monitoring multivariate | |
control chart is to provide some | |
useful tools for switching | |
between these two types of | |
charts. One disadvantage of | |
univariate charts is that | |
observations can appear to be in | |
control when they're actually | |
out of control in the multivariate | |
sense and these plots show what I | |
mean by this. The univariate | |
control chart for oil and | |
density show the two | |
observations in red as in | |
control. However, oil and density | |
are highly correlated and both | |
observations are out of control. | |
in the multivariate sense, | |
specially observation 51, which | |
fairly violates the correlation | |
structure of the two variables, | |
so multivariate control charts | |
can pick up on these types of | |
outliers, while univariate | |
control charts can't. | |
Model driven multivariate | |
control chart uses projection | |
methods to construct the charts. | |
I'm going to start by explaining PCA | |
because it's easy to build up | |
from there. PCA reduces the | |
dimensionality of the process by | |
projecting data onto a low | |
dimensional surface. Um, | |
this is shown in the picture | |
on the right. We have P | |
process variables and N | |
observations, and | |
the loading vectors in the P | |
matrix give the coefficients for | |
linear combinations of our X | |
variables that result in | |
square variables with | |
dimension A, where the dimension | |
A is much less than P. And then | |
this is shown in equations on | |
the left here. The X can be | |
predicted as a function of the | |
score and loadings, where E is | |
the prediction error. | |
These scores are selected to | |
minimize the prediction error, | |
and another way to think about | |
this is that you're maximizing | |
the amount of variance explained | |
in the X matrix. | |
Then PLS is a more suitable | |
projection method. When you have | |
a set of process variables and a | |
set of quality variables, you | |
really want to ensure that the | |
quality variables are kept in | |
control but these variables | |
are often expensive or time | |
consuming to collect. The plant | |
could be making product without | |
a control quality for a long | |
time before a fault is detected. | |
So PLS models allow you to | |
monitor your quality variables | |
as a function of your process | |
variables and you can see that | |
the PLS models find the score | |
variables that maximize the | |
amount of variation explained of | |
the quality variables. | |
These process variables are | |
often cheaper or more readily | |
available, so PLS can enable you | |
to detect faults in quality | |
early and make your process | |
monitoring cheaper. And from here | |
on out I'm going to focus on PLS | |
models because it's more | |
appropriate for the example. | |
So PLS model partitions your | |
data into two components. The | |
first component is the model | |
component. This gives the | |
predicted values of your process | |
variables. Another way to think | |
about it is that your data has | |
been projected into the model | |
plane defined by your score | |
variables and T squared monitors | |
the variation of your data | |
within this model plane. | |
And the second component is the | |
error component. This is the | |
distance between your original | |
data and the predicted data and | |
squared prediction error (SPE) | |
charts monitor this variation. | |
Another alternative metric we | |
provide is the distance to model | |
X plane or DModX. This is just | |
a normalized alternative to SPE | |
that some people prefer. | |
The last concept that's | |
important to understand for the | |
demo is the distinction between | |
historical and current data. | |
Historical data are typically | |
collected when the process was | |
known to be in control. These | |
data are used to build the PLS | |
model and define the normal | |
process variation so that a | |
control limit can be obtained. | |
And current data are assigned | |
scores based on the model but | |
are independent of the model. | |
Another way to think about this | |
is that we have training and | |
test sets. The T squared control | |
limit is lower for the training | |
data because we expect less | |
variability for the various... | |
observations used to train the | |
model whereas there's greater | |
variability in P squared when | |
the model generalizes to E test | |
set. Fortunately, the theory | |
for the variance of T squared is | |
been worked out so we can get | |
these control limits based on | |
some distributional assumptions. | |
In the demo will be monitoring | |
the Tennessee Eastman process. | |
I'm going to present a short | |
introduction to these data. This | |
is a simulation of a chemical | |
process developed by Downs and | |
Vogel, two chemists at Eastman | |
Chemical. It was originally | |
written in Fortran, but there | |
are wrappers for Matlab and | |
Python now. I just wanted to note | |
that while this data set was | |
generated in the '90s, it's still | |
one of the primary data sets | |
used to benchmark multivariate | |
control methods in the | |
literature. It covers the | |
main tasks of multivariate | |
control well and there is | |
an impressive amount of | |
realism in the simulation. | |
And the simulation is based on | |
an industrial process that's | |
still relevant today. | |
So the data were manipulated | |
to protect proprietary | |
information. The simulated | |
process is the production of | |
two liquid products from | |
gaseous reactants within a | |
chemical plant. And F here is | |
a byproduct | |
that will need to be siphoned | |
off from the desired product. | |
Um and... | |
That's about all I'll say about that. | |
So the process diagram looks | |
complicated, but it really isn't | |
that bad, so I'll walk you | |
through it. Gaseous | |
reactants A, D, and E flow into | |
the reactor here. | |
The reaction occurs and the | |
product leaves as a gas. It's | |
then cooled and condensed into | |
liquid in the condenser. | |
Then a vapor liquid separator | |
recycles any remaining vapor and | |
sends it back to the reactor | |
through a compressor, and the | |
byproduct and inert chemical B | |
are purged in the purge stream, | |
and that's to prevent any | |
accumulation. The liquid product | |
is pumped through a stripper, | |
where the remaining reactants | |
are stripped off. | |
And then sent back to the reactor. | |
And then finally, the | |
purified liquid product | |
exits the process. | |
The first set of variables being | |
monitored are the manipulated | |
variables. These look like bow | |
ties in the diagram. I think | |
they're actually meant to be | |
valves and the manipulated | |
process...or the manipulated | |
variables mostly control the | |
flow rate through different | |
streams of the process. | |
And these variables can be set | |
to any values within limits and | |
have some Gaussian noise. | |
The manipulated variables are able | |
to be sampled in the rate, | |
but we use the default 3 | |
minutes sample now. | |
Some examples of the manipulated | |
variables are the valves that | |
control the flow of reactants | |
into the reactor. | |
Another example is a valve | |
that controls the flow of | |
steam into the stripper. | |
And another is a valve that | |
controls the flow of coolant | |
into the reactor. | |
The next set of variables are | |
measurement variables. These are | |
shown as circles in the diagram. | |
They were also sampled at three | |
minute intervals. The | |
difference between manipulated | |
variables and measurement | |
variables is that the | |
measurement variables can't be | |
manipulated in the simulation. | |
Our quality variables will be | |
the percent composition of | |
two liquid products and you | |
can see the analyzer | |
measuring the products here. | |
These variables are sampled with | |
a considerable time delay, so | |
we're looking at the purge | |
stream instead of the exit | |
stream, because these data are | |
available earlier. And will use | |
a PLS model to monitor process | |
variables as a proxy for these | |
variables because the process | |
variables have less delay and | |
affect faster sampling rate. | |
So that should be enough | |
background on the data. In | |
total there are 33 process | |
variables and two quality | |
variables. The process of | |
collecting the variables is | |
simulated with a set of | |
differential equations. And this | |
is just a simulation, but as you | |
can see a considerable amount of | |
care went into modeling this | |
after a real world process. Here | |
is an overview of the demo I'm | |
about to show you. We will collect | |
data on our process and store | |
these data in a database. | |
I wanted to have an example that | |
was easy to share, so I'll be | |
using a SQLite database, but | |
the workflow is relevant to most | |
types of databases since most | |
support ODBC connections. | |
Once JMP forms an ODBC | |
connection with the database, | |
JMP can periodically check for | |
new observations and add them to | |
a data table. | |
If we have a model driven | |
multivariate control chart | |
report open with automatic | |
recalc turned on, we have a | |
mechanism for updating the | |
control charts as new data come | |
in and the whole process of | |
adding data to a database would | |
likely be going on a separate | |
computer from the computer | |
that's doing the monitoring. So | |
I have two sessions of JMP open | |
to emulate this. Both sessions | |
have their own journal | |
in the materials on the | |
Community, and the session | |
adding new simulated data to | |
the database will be called | |
the Streaming Session and | |
session updating the reports | |
as new data come in will be | |
called the Monitoring Session. | |
One thing I really liked about | |
the Downs and Vogel paper was | |
that they didn't provide a | |
single metric to evaluate the | |
control of the process. I have | |
a quote from the paper here | |
"We felt that the tradeoffs | |
among the possible control | |
strategies and techniques | |
involved much more than a | |
mathematical expression." | |
So here are some of the goals | |
they listed in their paper, | |
which are relevant to our | |
problem. They wanted to maintain | |
the process variables at | |
desired values. They wanted to | |
minimize variability of product | |
quality during disturbances, and | |
they wanted to recover quickly | |
and smoothly from disturbances. | |
So we'll see how well our | |
process achieves these goals | |
with our monitoring methods. | |
So to start off in the | |
Monitoring Session journal, I'll | |
show you our first data set. | |
The data table contained all of | |
the variables I introduced | |
earlier. The first variables are | |
the measurement variables; the | |
second are the composition. | |
And the third are the | |
manipulated variables. | |
The script up here will fit | |
a PLS model. It excludes the | |
last 100 rows as a test set. | |
Just as a reminder, | |
the model is predicting 2 | |
product composition | |
variables as a function of | |
the process variables. If | |
you have JMP Pro, there | |
have been some speed | |
improvements to PLS | |
in JMP 16. | |
PLS now has a | |
fast SVD option. | |
You can switch to the | |
classic in the red | |
triangle menu. There's | |
also been a number of | |
performance improvements | |
under the hood. | |
Mostly relevant for datasets | |
with a large number of | |
observations, but that's | |
common in the multivariate | |
process monitoring setting. | |
But PLS is not the focus of the | |
talk, so I've already fit the | |
model and output score columns | |
and you can see them here. | |
One reason that the monitor | |
multivariate control chart was | |
designed the way it is, is that | |
imagine you're a statistician | |
and you want to share your model | |
with an engineer so they can | |
construct control charts. All | |
you need to do is provide the | |
data table with these formula | |
columns. You don't need to share | |
all the gory details of how you | |
fit your model. | |
Next, I'll provide the score | |
columns to monitor the | |
multivariate control chart. | |
Drag it to the right here. | |
So on the left here you can see | |
two types of control charts | the |
T squared and SPE. | |
Um, there are 860 observations | |
that were used to estimate the | |
model and these are labeled as | |
historical. And then the hundred | |
that were left out as a test set | |
are your current data. | |
And you can see in the limit | |
summaries, the number of points | |
that are out of control and the | |
significance level. Um, if you | |
want to change the significance | |
level, you can do it up here in | |
the red triangle menu. | |
Because the reactor's in normal | |
operating conditions, we expect | |
no observations to be out of | |
control, but we have a few false | |
positives here because we | |
haven't made any adjustments for | |
multiple comparisons. It's | |
uncommon to do this, as far as I | |
can tell, in multivariate | |
control charts. I suppose you | |
have higher power to detect out | |
of control signals without a | |
correction. In control chart | |
lingo, this is means you're out | |
of control. Average run length | |
is kept low. | |
So on the right here we | |
also have contribution | |
plots and on the Y axis are | |
the observations; on the X | |
axis, the variables. A | |
contribution is expressed | |
as a portion. | |
And then at the bottom here, | |
we have score plots. Right | |
now I'm plotting the first | |
score dimension versus the | |
second score dimension, but | |
you can look at any | |
combination of score | |
dimensions using this | |
dropdown menus or the arrow | |
button. | |
OK, so I think we're oriented | |
to the report. I'm going to | |
now switch over to the | |
scripts I've used to stream | |
data into the database that | |
the report is monitoring. | |
In order to do anything for this | |
example, you'll need to have a | |
SQLite ODBC driver installed | |
for your computer. This is much easier | |
to do on a Windows computer, | |
which is what you're often using | |
when actually connecting to a | |
database. The process on the Mac | |
is more involved, but I put some | |
instructions on the Community | |
page. And then I don't have time | |
to talk about this, but I | |
created the SQLite database | |
I'll be using in JMP and I | |
plan to put some instructions | |
in how to do this on the | |
Community Web page. And hopefully | |
that example is helpful to you | |
if you're trying to do this with | |
data on your own. | |
Next I'm going to show | |
you the files that I put | |
in the SQLite database. | |
Here I have the historical data. | |
This was used to construct | |
the PLS model. There are 960 | |
observations that are in | |
control. Then I have the | |
monitoring data, which at first | |
just contains the historical | |
data, but I'll gradually add new | |
data to this. This is the data | |
that the multivariate control | |
chart will be monitoring. | |
And then I've simulated new | |
data already and added it to the | |
data table here. These are | |
another 960 odd measurements | |
where a fault is introduced at | |
some time point. I wanted to | |
have something that was easy to | |
share, so I'm not going to run | |
my simulation script and add to | |
the database that way. We're | |
just going to take observations | |
from this new data table and | |
move them over to the monitoring | |
data table using some JSL and | |
SQL statements. This is just an | |
example emulating the process | |
of new data coming into a | |
database. Somehow you might not | |
actually do this with JMP, but | |
this was an opportunity to show | |
how you can do it with JSL. | |
Clean up here. | |
And next I'll show you this | |
streaming script. This is a | |
simple script, so I'm going to | |
walk you through it real quick. | |
This first set of | |
commands will open the | |
new data table and | |
it's in the SQLite database, | |
so it opens the table in the | |
background so I don't have to | |
deal with the window. | |
Then I'm going to take pieces | |
from this data table and add | |
them to the monitoring data | |
table. I call the pieces | |
bites and the bite size is 20. | |
And then this next command will | |
connect to the database. This | |
will allow me to send the | |
database SQL statements. | |
And then this next bit | |
of code is | |
iteratively sending SQL | |
statements that insert new | |
data into the monitoring data. | |
And I'm going to | |
initialize K and show you the | |
first iteration of this. | |
This is a simple SQL statement, | |
insert into statement that | |
inserts the first 20 | |
observations into the data | |
table. This print statement is | |
commented out so that the code | |
runs faster and then I also | |
have a wait statement to slow | |
things down slightly so that | |
we can see their progression | |
in the control chart. | |
And this would just go too fast | |
if I didn't slow it down. | |
Um, so next I'm going to move | |
over to the monitoring sessions | |
to show you the scripts | |
that will update the report | |
as new data come in. | |
This first script is a simple | |
script. That will check the | |
database every .2 seconds for | |
new observations and add them | |
to the JMP table. Since the | |
report has automatic recalc | |
turned on, the report will update | |
whenever new data are added. And | |
I should add that | |
realistically, | |
you probably wouldn't use a | |
script that just iterates like | |
this. You probably use task | |
scheduler in Windows or | |
Automator on Mac to better | |
schedule runs of the script. | |
And then there's also another | |
script that will | |
push the report to JMP Public | |
whenever the report is updated, | |
and I was really excited that | |
this is possible with JMP 15. | |
It enables any computer with a | |
web browser to view updates to | |
the control chart. Then you | |
can even view the report on | |
your smartphone, so this makes | |
it really easy to share | |
results across organizations. | |
And you can also use JMP Live | |
if you wanted the reports to | |
be on restricted server. | |
I'm not going to have time | |
to go into this in this | |
demo, but you can check out | |
my Discovery Americas talk. | |
Then finally down here, there is | |
a script that recreates the | |
historical data in the data | |
table if you want to run the | |
example multiple times. | |
Alright, so next...make sure | |
that we have the historical data... | |
I'm going to run the | |
streaming script and see | |
how the report updates. | |
So the data is in control at | |
first and then a fault is | |
introduced, but there's a | |
plantwide control system | |
that's implemented in the | |
simulation, and you can see | |
how the control system | |
eventually brings the process | |
to a new equilibrium. | |
Wait for it to finish here. | |
So if we zoom in, | |
seems like the process first | |
went out of control around this | |
time point, so I'm going to | |
color it and | |
label it, but it will | |
show up in other plots. | |
And then in the SPE plot, | |
it looks like this | |
observation is also out of | |
control but only slightly. | |
And then if we zoom in on | |
the time point in the | |
contribution plots, you can | |
see that there are many | |
variables contributing to | |
the out of control signal at | |
first. But then once the | |
process reaches a new | |
equilibrium, there's only | |
two large contributors. | |
So I'm going to remove the heat | |
maps now to clean up a bit. | |
You can hover over | |
the point at which the process | |
first went out of control and | |
get a peek at the top ten | |
contributing variables. This | |
is great for giving you a | |
quick overview which variables | |
are contributing most to the | |
out of control signal. | |
And then if I click on the plot, | |
this will be appended to the | |
fault diagnosis section. | |
And as you can see, there's | |
several variables with large | |
contributions and just sorted | |
on the contribution. | |
And for variables with | |
red bars the observation is | |
out of control in the univariate | |
control charts. You can see | |
this by hovering over one of | |
the bars and these graphlets | |
are IR charts for an | |
individual variable with a | |
three Sigma control limit. | |
You can see in the stripper | |
pressure variable that the | |
observation is out of | |
control, but eventually the | |
process is brought back under | |
control. And this is the case | |
for the other top | |
contributors. I'll also show | |
you one of the variables | |
where we're in control, the | |
univariate control chart. | |
So the process was... | |
there are many variables out | |
of control in the process at | |
the beginning, but | |
process eventually reaches | |
a new equilibrium. | |
Um... | |
To see the variables that | |
contribute most to the shift in | |
the process, we can use mean | |
contribution proportion plot. | |
These plots show the average | |
contribution that the variables | |
have to T squared for the group | |
I've selected. Um, here if I | |
sort on these. | |
The only two variables with | |
large contributions measure the | |
rate of flow of reactant A in | |
stream one, which is the flow of | |
this reactant into the reactor. | |
Both of these variables are | |
measuring essentially the | |
same thing, except one | | is a | |
measurement variable and the | |
other is a manipulated | |
variable. | |
You can see that there is a | |
large step change in the flow | |
rate, which is what I programmed | |
in the simulation. So these | |
contribution plots allow you to | |
quickly identify the root cause. | |
And then in my previous talk I | |
showed many other ways to | |
visualize and diagnose faults | |
using tools in the score plot. | |
This includes plotting the | |
loadings on the score plots and | |
doing some group comparisons. | |
You can check out my Discovery | |
Americas talk on the JMP | |
Community for that. Instead, I'm | |
going to spend the rest of this | |
time introducing a few new | |
examples, which I put on the | |
Community page for this talk. | |
So. | |
There are 20 programmable faults | |
in the Tennessee Eastman process | |
and they can be introduced in any | |
combination. I provided two other | |
representative faults here. Fault | |
1 that I showed previously was | |
easy to detect because the out | |
of control signal is so large | |
and so many variables are | |
involved. The focus on the | |
previous demo was to show how to | |
use the tools and identify. | |
faults out of a large number of | |
variables and not to benchmark | |
the methods necessarily. | |
Fault 4, on the other hand, | |
is a more subtle fault, | |
and I'll show you it here. | |
The fault i...that's programmed | |
is a sudden increase in the | |
temperature in the reactor. | |
And this is compensated for by | |
the control system by increasing | |
the flow rate of coolant. | |
And you can see that | |
variable picked up here and | |
you can see the shift in | |
contribution plots. | |
And then you can also see | |
that most other variables | |
aren't affected | |
by the fault. You can see a | |
spike in the temperature here | |
is quickly brought back under | |
control. Because most other | |
variables aren't affected, this | |
is hard to detect for some | |
multivariate control methods. | |
And it can be more | |
difficult to diagnose. | |
The last fault I'll show you | |
is Fault 11. | |
Like Fault 4, it also involves | |
the flow of coolant into the | |
reactor, except now the fault | |
introduces large oscillations in | |
the flow rate, which we can | |
see in the univariate control | |
chart. And this results in a | |
fluctuation of reactor | |
temperature. The other | |
variables aren't really | |
affected again, so this can be | |
harder to detect for some | |
methods. Some multivariate | |
control methods can pick up on | |
Fault 4, but not Fault 11 or | |
vice versa. But our method was | |
able to pick up on both. | |
And then finally, all the | |
examples I created using the | |
Tennessee Eastman process had | |
faults that were apparent in | |
both T squared and SPE plots. To | |
show some newer features in | |
model driven multivariate | |
control chart, I wanted to show | |
an example of a fault that | |
appears in the SPE chart but not | |
T squared. And to find a good | |
example of this, I revisited a | |
data set which Jianfeng Ding | |
presented in her former talk, and | |
I provided a link to her talk | |
in this journal. | |
On her Community page, | |
she provides several | |
useful examples that are | |
also worth checking out. | |
This is a data set from Cordia | |
McGregor's (?) classic paper on | |
multivariate control charts. The | |
data are processed variables | |
measured in a reactor, producing | |
polyethylene, and you can find | |
more background in Jianfeng's | |
talk. In this example, we | |
have a process that went out of | |
control. Let me show you this. | |
And it's out of control in... | |
earlier in the SPE chart than in | |
the T squared. | |
And if we look at the mean | |
contribution | |
plots for SPE, | |
you can | |
see that there is one variable | |
with large contribution and it | |
also shows a large shift in the | |
univariate control chart, but | |
there are also other variables | |
with large contributions, but | |
that are still in control in the | |
univariate control charts. | |
And it's difficult to determine from | |
the bar charts alone why these | |
variables had a large | |
contributions. Large SPE values | |
happen when new data don't | |
follow the correlation structure | |
of the historical data, which is | |
often the case when new data are | |
collected, and this means that | |
your PLS model you trained is | |
no longer applicable. | |
From the bar charts, it's hard | |
to know which pair of variables | |
have their correlation structure | |
broken. So new in 15.2, you | |
can launch scatterplot matrices. | |
And it's clear in the | |
scatterplot matrix that the | |
violation of correlations | |
with Z2 is what's driving | |
these large contributions. | |
OK, I'm gonna switch back | |
to the PowerPoint. | |
And real quick, I'll summarize | |
the key features of model driven | |
multivariate control chart that | |
were shown in the demo. The | |
platform is capable of | |
performing both online fault | |
detection and offline fault | |
diagnosis. There are many | |
methods provided in the platform | |
for drilling down to the root | |
cause of faults. I'm showing you | |
here some plots from a popular | |
book, Fault Detection and | |
Diagnosis in Industrial Systems. | |
Throughout the book, the authors | |
demonstrate how one needs to | |
use multivariate and univariate | |
control charts side by side | |
to get a sense of what's going | |
on in a process. | |
An one particularly useful | |
feature in model driven multivariate | |
control chart is how | |
interactive and user friendly | |
it is to switch between these | |
two types of charts. | |
And that's my talk. Here is | |
my email if you have any | |
further questions. And | |
thanks to everyone that | |
tuned in to watch this. |