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  • ➕ Formula

    It is soo useful,  the new *)   command in the New Formula Column submenu:*) one of the helpful, new features in JMP18. Basic mode can save you hours over the course of a week:
    No need to 1) create a column, 2) add a formula, and 3) search for the input column.Simply: create a formula column with the input column already in place 1+2+3. This is not all, the developer added some cool features to con...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Jan 10, 2025 8:15 AM
    535 views | 5 replies
  • Unknown date format

    For some reason I get the following error: Unknown format: d-m-ydue to the following line of code.Once I run the code in my colleague's PC it runs properly.(We have the same version 16.2) In addition when we compare the available formats under the "Column info" choice I get:and he has way more choices..... Any idea of how I should fix it?

    Georgios_Tsim Georgios_Tsim
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    Jan 10, 2025 6:47 AM
    589 views | 7 replies
  • Graphbuilder - not all of the labels are displaying

    I want to build a chart that shows the labels for all of the points that have a high y value (interactive).  I selected the top 20 points and set label for those rows.  Not all of the labels display in the built chart.  Is there a way to have the software put all of the labels in even if they are overlaping?  I changed the jitter so that the points are more spread out, but the labels still don't a...

    phillips_ad_1 phillips_ad_1
    Discussions |
    Jan 10, 2025 12:34 AM
    4696 views | 3 replies
  • Checking for modifier keys (ctrl, alt, shift) in script without mouse trapping

    Is there a way to check if a modifier key such as ctrl, alt or shift is depressed during execution of a jsl script? I know the "is ... key()" functions, but they only work with the mouse. I would like to let a script do various things on execution depending on which modifier key is depressed while it is executed.

    ThomasZatValcon ThomasZatValcon
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    Jan 9, 2025 11:24 PM
    1899 views | 7 replies
  • Issue with concatenating and sort function

    I'm creating a table called "combinedTable" by concatenating two files and it saves just fine. But I would like to sort the concatenated table, but when I use the sort function it creates a new untitled table that pops up while saving the unsorted "combinedTable". What's wrong with my script?   <.... extractLast9Chars = Function({filename}, Substr(filename, Length(filename) - 12, 11) ); // Cre...

    CoxPorcupine721 CoxPorcupine721
    Discussions |
    Jan 9, 2025 12:12 PM
    222 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • ➕ Formula

    It is soo useful,  the new *)   command in the New Formula Column submenu:*) one of the helpful, new features in JMP18. Basic mode can save you hours over the course of a week:
    No need to 1) create a column, 2) add a formula, and 3) search for the input column.Simply: create a formula column with the input column already in place 1+2+3. This is not all, the developer added some cool features to con...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Jan 10, 2025 8:15 AM
    535 views | 5 replies
  • Checking for modifier keys (ctrl, alt, shift) in script without mouse trapping

    Is there a way to check if a modifier key such as ctrl, alt or shift is depressed during execution of a jsl script? I know the "is ... key()" functions, but they only work with the mouse. I would like to let a script do various things on execution depending on which modifier key is depressed while it is executed.

    ThomasZatValcon ThomasZatValcon
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    Jan 9, 2025 11:24 PM
    1899 views | 7 replies
  • ANN - Learning rate

    In the discussion among peers about an ANN analysis, the questions arose:
    - What learning rate was used in the analysis? Since I didn't use boosting (number of models is 0), is the 0.1 learning rate predefined by the platform relevant?

    - What means the value for the sum of squares to stop the calculation. Is it the sum of squares error (SSE) that is reported for each response?

    Thank you so much!

    SofiaSousa2412 SofiaSousa2412
    Discussions |
    Jan 9, 2025 11:18 AM
    282 views | 1 replies
  • Exceptions are the utilities Show, Write, and Print ...

    from:  If you assign the expression x+y to a, quoting it as an expression with Expr, then whenever a is evaluated, it evaluates the expression using the current values of x and y and returns the result.
    Exceptions are the utilities Show, Write, and Print, which do not evaluate e

    hogi hogi
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    Jan 7, 2025 10:44 PM
    215 views | 0 replies
  • Expression Handling in JMP: Tips and Trapdoors

    Collection of useful resources in the web:  There is a wonderful lecture by @joseph_morgan  in the Discovery Summit Series:Using JSL to Develop Efficient, Robust Applications (EU 2018 415) 
    Joseph explains the secrets and possibilities of Expression Handling in JSL - and the trapdoors associated with the functionality.
    The lecture is based on the content of Expression Handling Functions: Part I - Un...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Jan 7, 2025 11:55 AM
    1368 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Exceptions are the utilities Show, Write, and Print ...

    from:  If you assign the expression x+y to a, quoting it as an expression with Expr, then whenever a is evaluated, it evaluates the expression using the current values of x and y and returns the result.
    Exceptions are the utilities Show, Write, and Print, which do not evaluate e

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Jan 7, 2025 10:44 PM
    215 views | 0 replies
  • Extract Expr: Issue with scoped variable

    This works: Extract Expr(:height << set name( "new" ), :height );  But this one doesn't *):Extract Expr(myDataTable:height << set name( "new" ), myDataTable:height );Fortunately there is this dirty trick of Extract Expr (it automatically resolves every defined variable **) - which allows this workaround:x = Expr( myDataTable:height); Extract Expr(myDataTable:height << set name( "new" ), x ) *) why...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Jan 7, 2025 11:35 AM
    188 views | 0 replies
  • A custom function evaluates the return value

    fyi While debugging @replace Head, I noticed that a custom function evaluates the return values +1x compared to a standard function:myFunction = function({}, return(Expr(3*5))); add custom functions (newcustom function("my custom", "function", function({}, return(Expr(3*5))))); Show(myfunction()); Show(my custom:function())so maybe add another Expr() ...add custom functions (newcustom function("m...

    hogi hogi
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    Jan 3, 2025 2:05 PM
    208 views | 0 replies
  • ods output "DIFFS" in proc mixed

    Hi everyone,for my proc mixed I already got a table with Least-Squares Means, ods output "lsmeans".Additionally, I would like to have a table for the differences, ods output “DIFFS”.Can anyone tell me how to get to this output in the current jmp version (18.1.0)?Thanks in advance for your support.

    lvierbaum lvierbaum
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    Dec 12, 2024 5:32 AM
    283 views | 0 replies
  • Sample size for Reliability Life Test

    I have used the interval explorer for parametric reliability life test planning for sample size calculation of accelerated life test. Please can someone confirm if the sample size returned is the total sample size or sample size per stress levels? Assuming I have 3 temperature levels, do I use 75 samples per temperature level or 25?

    EngrAkin EngrAkin
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    Dec 11, 2024 7:11 AM
    245 views | 0 replies
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